Friday Favorites – 11.11.22

Happy Friday and happy Veterans Day to all those who served and are serving in our military. How blessed we are to have such brave people who sacrifice so much so we can live free and peacefully. God bless our military and their families – saying so many extra prayers for you all today.

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Favs from the week!

Our weather has been PERFECTION and abnormally warm for this time of year! We have been enjoying every minute of it and I’m going to miss it so much! Time to break out our winter jackets again – whomp, whomp.

Today’s Friday fav is short and sweet because I’ve been so busy healing sick kiddos, wrapping things up outside and busy digging dahlias!

So here’s a couple pics!

Golden hour playground visits are a fav!

These kiddos crack me up! They helped me in the garden and instead of cash they opted for some Burger King!

A HUGE fav – we took our family pics and I’m obsessed! Here’s a little preview of some solos with Miss Audrey! I actually ended up taking these with my “good camera”!

Lots of running around, sunshine and exploring for this pup!

Followed by a makeover…ha!

The kiddos out running around is always my favorite!

And renovating their fort in the woods is a fav! They added a bathroom, dog room and chairs!

Walking through Philly is always pretty!

We had such a nice time at our friends wedding.

Fav Foodie of the week…

This fritter right here.

Also the caramel brûlée latte is back! YUM!

Fav Clothing of the week…

I have some fun things to share next week! I also meant to post my prime time purchases Tuesday but was busy! Will share some of those awesome items!

In the Garden this week…

Give my flower instagram account a follow if you are interested to see what is happening around the yard!

I really enjoyed the extra extension of flowers but it was time to shut it down!

I cleaned up the beds and dug up my dahlia tubers!

On the Blog…

I couldn’t believe how much people loved this post! The best selling item was the wristlets – which I swear by!!

Let’s Look: How we shop for Mom

We have another fun weekend planned with a birthday for my niece and the school gala – we’re looking forward to it!

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This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon.  As an Amazon Associate, I can earn compensation from qualifying purchases….I appreciate you reading along and supporting my blog!

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