Friday Favorites – 1.13.23

Happy Friday! We are waking up to a whole bunch of snow and a SNOW DAY! The kids are going to freak out! We haven’t had much snow so far, so I’m sure they’ll enjoy playing outside a bit today.

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Favs from the week!

First up, no spend January has been a favorite. This week we ate every meal at home (lunch and dinner – my husband packed for work) and the only item purchased was a pair of basketball shoes for JP (which he needs). Not gunna lie it’s tough, but it’s worth it! The reset we needed!

I don’t have a ton this week! BUT our favs always include being outside!

The kiddos loved romping around with their new neighbor Benny!

This lady had some fun too….

Rinse off was NOT a fav.

The kids wanted to check out their secret hide out and “hike” through the back woods. I actually couldn’t believe how they were so hard to see only being like 100ft from me!

This poor guy needed me to come retrieve him!

Sitting in the sun waiting for sissy to get off the bus is always a fav!

These two meet each other halfway and their reuniting is just my favorite!

Picking out a new pair of fun glasses is always a favorite! I pretty much let her pick whatever glasses she wants and whatever glasses make her happy! She never fails to pick out the most adorable glasses! This time she picked out purple and light blue mix.

An impromptu visit to Grandpa’s work followed by “guys” lunch was a definite fav!

Fav Foodie of the week…

I’ve been on a streak with cooking in every night. Our family fav is my Chicken Noodle Soup!

Leftover pulled pork on a sweet potato was my fav lunch!

My kids love those cake mini muffins, but they can be such junk and so expensive so I tested a healthy batch for the kids! They were really good, but needed a couple tweaks!

Fav Clothing of the week…

I had purchased the light tan color in this sweater for Christmas and finally got to wearing it!

Same uniform different day!

In the Garden this week…

Give my flower instagram account a follow if you are interested to see what is happening around the yard!

I have been organizing my seeds and mapping out this years garden map. I picked up my seed starting soil and will probably get some seeds planted this weekend. A new growing season is always my favorite thing to plan for!

On the Blog…

Motherhood Monday: Craving Traditional Motherhood in a modern day world

Primetime Tuesday: Recent Amazon Purchases

Let’s Look: How we schedule/organize for our family

Look for less: drugstore beauty products that rock

The kids will be happy to be able to take Nellie to the groomer with me! JP has basketball tonight and my brother coaches in a high school rivalry game tonight so that’s where we will be! Hope you enjoy the long weekend!

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This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon.  As an Amazon Associate, I can earn compensation from qualifying purchases….I appreciate you reading along and supporting my blog!

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One thought on “Friday Favorites – 1.13.23

  1. Joanne says:

    Enjoy your snow day! our snowstorm turned to rain by afternoon yesterday and it continued raining all day so our snow is already all gone.

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