Friday Favorites – 07.09.21

Oh my goodness! I can’t believe how quickly this week flew and didn’t realize how much I needed rest after a crazy ER scare last week…

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Before we get into some favorites from the week, just wanted to share a not so favorite moment, which I now feel I’ve emotionally recovered from. I want to share this because a) it is just a reminder to all of us how important it is to be an advocate for your child, b) sharing because I cannot believe what “normal” (while appearing extremely abnormal) bodily responses to infection look like and c) God works in the craziest ways and nudges you in the right place at the right time.

Last week, we had one of those moments where God put us in the right place at the right time in a series of random events. Explaining things briefly because it is weird how God was nudging me to do/go certain places. Right around nap time, Tommy was complaining about his toe hurting – I’m no doctor, so I was feeling both toes to see if I noticed a difference and thought maybe his one two felt more elongated, so possibly dislocated his big toe? Anyway, the big toe injury I suspect came from Audrey pushing him in a Fisher Price cozy coupe car and his toe getting stuck on the ground when she pushed him. So, in an effort to make him feel better, I went downstairs to give him some motrin – went back up for nap and he just didn’t seem right. The type 6 in me called my Mom for backup advice (I was already debating taking him to urgent care because he was complaining about his foot quite a bit). Turns out not much can be done for a toe injury, so everyone I chatted with said just ice it and have him rest.

I returned back upstairs to try to put down for nap and at this point he felt really warm. Temp was 102.6 and now I was worried something with his toe was causing the fever. Thank goodness my Dad was randomly stopping by on that day to repair our gutter, so right when he arrived – straight to urgent care it was and he was able to watch the other kiddos. We weren’t admitted to the one urgent care because T was too young, so I drove to the next closest one (almost considering pulling into ER which is right near our house).

We were in the waiting room and Tommy was just acting different. Not sure I know how to describe it, chattier than normal as if he was trying to make himself feel better. Anyway, Andrew then called (he was at work that day – another hidden blessing will share in a minute) and he asked me if he should come to urgent care. I told him to come for moral support, I felt like T was just acting different. Ten minutes later, Andrew arrived and pulled Tommy out of the stroller while we were waiting to be seen. It was such a relief to have Andrew there with me. I was worried and honestly if this was any other day, he would have been the one at home watching the kids. Thankful he had to go into the office that day.

A couple minutes later, Tommy started arching his back and shaking uncontrollably. It took us a minute to process that he was having a seizure in Andrew’s arms. I’ve never witnessed one in my life and your thoughts go all over the place during those helpless moments. We immediately headed back to a table and the nurse and PA on staff quickly came to our aid. We laid him on a table and watched him shake uncontrollably for 2 minutes. Tommy’s lips turned blue and I can’t even describe the feelings Andrew and I felt at that moment. Helpless, hopeless, uncertain. So many bad thoughts went through our minds during the course of those 2 minutes. Thank goodness the PA grabbed an oxygen mask, the seizure stopped and and the ambulance arrived.

Fast forward to ER room – all tests came back normal and negative for things. Tommy’s “toe” was fine (crazy that even concerned me to start – again God using that as a way to get me to the urgent care) and the seizure was a febrile seizure in response to the high fever. It is an extremely common response for children under 2 to have these. We think Tommy was exposed to two viral infections – croup and hand, foot & mouth and I think they all hit at once. Thankful that God put us in the right place and in the care of such talented health care professionals, thankful we are reaching the age where little man can at least tell me or point to something that doesn’t feel right or hurts, thankful for family always being there for us, thankful our people are feeling better and so so thankful that God built our bodies in such a way to naturally fight off crazy infections.

I’ve since heard so many stories about how common febrile seizures are. I couldn’t believe how many aquaintances in our direct circle of family and friends have had them. I pray that your child never has one and praying extra hard for parents who deal with these as their norm. Sharing the do’s and dont’s should your child ever have one:

This is instruction from the Mayo Clinic:
Most febrile seizures stop on their own within a couple of minutes. If your child has a febrile seizure, stay calm and follow these steps:

  • Place your child on his or her side on a soft, flat surface where he or she won’t fall.
  • Start timing the seizure.
  • Stay close to watch and comfort your child.
  • Remove hard or sharp objects near your child.
  • Loosen tight or restrictive clothing.
  • Don’t restrain your child or interfere with your child’s movements.
  • Don’t put anything in your child’s mouth.

Call for emergency medical attention if:

  • Your child has a febrile seizure that lasts more than five minutes.
  • Your child has repeated seizures.
  • Your child’s seizure lasted less than five minutes but your child isn’t improving quickly.

If your child ever had a febrile (fever) seizure, it’s something you probably won’t forget. But while these look scary, usually there are no long-term effects.

Doctors aren’t certain about how it’s triggered. A temperature above 100.4 F may do it, or the seizure may be a result of how quickly your child’s fever spikes. You’re likely to notice the seizure, then feel that she’s burning up. It may be the first indication you have of her being sick.

Info from WebMd below
Who Gets a Febrile Seizure?

Kids between 3 months and 6 years of age can get one. But they’re most common in toddlers between 12 and 18 months. Children usually outgrow them by the time they’re 6 years old.

Your child is more likely to get one if other people in your family have had one. A second seizure also is more likely once your child has had the first one.

What Does It Look Like?

That depends on the type of febrile seizure.

Simple seizures: These are the most common and usually are over in a minute or two. But they can last as long as 15 minutes.

Symptoms include:

  • Convulsions – shaking and twitching all over the body
  • Fever of 100.4 or greater
  • Eye-rolling
  • Unresponsiveness
  • Moaning
  • Losing bowel or bladder control
  • Bleeding tongue or mouth from biting down

Your child may feel sleepy, irritable, cranky or confused for a few hours once it’s over.

I don’t want to be a debbie downer to start off this post, but that’s where I’ve been just resting, and I wanted to share this information because there are sooo many things we learn as being parents and I know I feel relieved on how to handle these situations in the future!

Favs from the week!

Apologies in advance – this post is going to be a photo dump!

Thankful this little man is feeling better and all good!

Same with this guy…he developed a fever on the 4th – which put a damper on our plans. He was so bummed to miss a party, I felt terrible. Happy he recovered quickly!

This guy partied hard and you could tell was all better.

This reading was the day after our ER stint. Words I needed to hear.

Visits to our favorite nature park with some of our favorite people!

Blueberry picking!

No kids swim! Perfect relaxing afternoon – so happy Andrew had Monday off, we needed the recovery!

…and then more swim time with the kiddos

Watching our neighbors fireworks from our pool! It was a gorgeous evening!

This one was bright, ha!

The night before we even caught some fireworks out our bedroom window – didn’t realize a farm nearby shoots them off every year – noted!

We enjoyed a family walk/bike ride!

And caught the prettiest sunset! God is SO good!

This spot out back is my favorite!

Fav Clothing of the week…

Lounge wear and bathing suits. The heat was crazy this past week/weekend!

Fav Foodie of the week…

The fresh blueberries we picked – AMAZING!

Easy entertaining – love the snack boards!

In the Garden this week…

Awesome filler flower taking off!

Things are starting to take off! So exciting!

Pinched back some flowers to promote more blooms and longer stems!

On the Blog…

Nothing this week – SORRY!

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4 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – 07.09.21

  1. Joanne says:

    Oh I feel for you; my oldest had febrile seizures (yes, multiple ones to the point we saw a pediatric neurologist for years and had MRI’s etc. done annually– but my husband’s side of the family has a whole history with them)… still seeing each seizure each time was so freaking scary! He did outgrow them though and had no lasting effects.

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