What’s trending around our house lately? Homemade trail mix! Not only do the kids love this snack, they also had a blast filling their own containers with goodies. The whole process was a nice activity for them – they absolutely loved it and felt in control – which is good for them!
moreCategory: Tip Jar
June Coffee Stand Decor
I have so much fun changing up the decor on my coffee stand every month! This month I did a summer-y citrus vibe. Again, it is so simple and inexpensive to switch out and I store these items in a bin that is easily accessible! The Dollar Tree has AMAZING little items to help give you the vibe you are looking for!
Continue readingHow to Plant Flowers in Containers or Planters – VIDEO!
Is it me or did this week FLY. I seriously couldn’t even keep up with my blog this week because it was so fast paced, ha!
Today, I wanted to share a I put together that can be a great resource if you are planting a container/planter in your yard. The quality is average, I did the best I could, but I hope this is helpful for you as I’ve received several questions on how I plant things!
Continue readingWhat I Cooked Wednesday – Sausage Potato Hash
Today I am sharing an absolute favorite recipe in our house! I LOVE a good breakfast hash, and this was inspired by a hash I got in Denver at brunch during my cousin’s bachelorette party. I came home raving about it to my husband and figured, heck – I could make this!
Now, this particular hash I got had chorizo! You could have chosen bacon or sausage as well, but chorizo was speaking to me that morning.
We like to have ground sausage on hand, so that is what we used for this particular recipe!
Continue readingHome Maintenance: Spring To-Do’s
There has been so much “tidying up” going on around here and I thought I would share what happens around the house when spring hits since we are going through it!
Upkeep on a home is no joke – especially with a lot of outdoor space – whew. Honestly, I can’t even believe the amount of to-do’s we have going on and some of the things we never even get to! It doesn’t help that I am the type of person dealing with this internal battle, “Why should I pay someone when I can do it myself?” (my husband, exact opposite).
Continue readingTip Jar Tuesday: My Garden Journal
Welp, it snowed again and we are dealing with more freeze warnings around here. As most of you know by now, I LOVE flowers and gardening! Our fluctuating May temps and cold snaps here in Northeast Ohio has made for A LOT of difficulties in the gardening space. I have been checking the weather non-stop, and I hope we are in the clear of cold weather for good by this weekend. Peace out, COLD!
I thought today’s tip jar would be a perfect thing to share as I will begin all my planting this weekend! I’m loving how my garden journal has turned out and highly recommend creating your own if you have a lot of garden beds that need more plants, forget when the right time for pruning is, are doing a cut flower or vegetable garden, or you want to better understand your landscaping.
Let’s take a look at some of the main things I highlight in my binder!
moreMotherhood Monday: My Kiddos
First off, Happy Mother’s Day to every MOM out there! I am praying for you all today!

To my incredible Mom, thank you for showing me what selflessness is. You don’t appreciate what Mom’s do, or even see the little things until you are in it, so thank you for IT.ALL. – being my advocate, listener, example of faith, advice giver, rock, and best friend. It has been so amazing watching you become a Grandma and I am EXTREMELY blessed to have a Mom like you!
I also wish Happy Mother’s Day to my amazing Mother-in-Law for raising the most incredible man ever. I am so blessed to have you in my life as a bonus Mom! Raising 5 kids, I could not even imagine! Thank you for the person you are! The kids are so lucky to call you their Grandma!!
To my Grandma, my husband’s Grandma, our deceased Grandmothers and all other Moms I’ve been so blessed to be surrounded by in my life (Aunts, sister-in-laws, cousins and friends) wishing you all a Happy Mother’s Day as well!
I figured the day after Mother’s Day would be the perfect day to add Motherhood Monday to the mix on my blog. I thought this would be a fun way to answer questions I’ve had, share insights discovered and be a resource to others all things related to being MOM! At times it will be light and fun and at other times I envision it raw and real.
moreWhat’s Trending?! – Mocha EVERYTHING
What’s trending around our house here lately? The answer is MOCHA/COFFEE flavored everything!
moreA Cinco Drinko – Coconut Mango Margaritas
Good morning everyone! Happy Cinco de Mayo! The quarantine is definitely making Cinco de Mayo plans look a little different for everyone this year!
Since we will be home and not out at a restaurant, we decided to share a twist on a regular mango margarita that you can make at home. My husband is OBSESSED with Bai Flavored water. They are SO SO good and there are so many different flavors! We’ve always said how tasty they would be in all different types of mixed drinks and cocktails – you could really get creative!
We decided we wanted to doctor up a coconut mango inspired margarita in honor of Cinco de Mayo. This is a slushie margarita and can be adjusted in many different ways to fit your taste palette.
Continue readingThursday Thoughts: Dear Quarantine Time
Over the past several weeks particularly, I have found myself thinking what life is going to be like after we come out from our homes and gradually start returning to “normal” life (and I use that lightly). There are so many things we took for granted and having that “freedom” taken from us has really made me appreciate the little things more. During this time, I’ve also discovered to not be so hard on myself, which I explain down below. I’m sure so many of us can relate to this, and hope this can help you get through the “final” stretch.
moreWhat We’re Cookin’ Wednesday – Feeding Kids
I am always interested in seeing what other people are serving their kids for lunches and dinners. I try my best to feed my kiddos healthy meals as much as possible, but I also want them to EAT too. Luckily, my kids do crave fruits and veggies A LOT – so that is not the issue. Today I am sharing some lunches, dinners and snacks we have around here. By no means am I an absolute health nut. We do the best we can around here so I am sharing realistic meals that the kids really enjoy!
Continue readingTip Jar Tuesday: Random Tips from Around the House
Coming at you with some groundbreaking information this Tuesday afternoon (heavy sarcasm) – but I figured maybe this random tip could help someone who is unaware (as I was) of the huge mistake they were making…
moreTAKE TWO: Spring Garden Tour: Pruning and Maintenance
My plan was to share some pruning and maintenance tips from my garden last Thursday, but we woke up to 3 inches of snow…terrible!
This weekend I was out cleaning some of my gardens and decided to share some tips, pics and videos with you on how I maintain and prune in the spring. I live in Zone 6a where we have cold and snowy winters. Step 1, it’s important to know your zone – this will help you determine what plants will survive in your climate.
moreSpring Garden Tour: Pruning and Maintenance
Tip Jar Tuesday: Easter Basket Ideas
One of the things I look forward to all year is putting together my kid’s Easter baskets! Just like Christmas, it is so fun to watch pure joy and happiness happen right in front of us.
This year though, circumstances are a bit different. I was lucky enough to HAVE to run in to Target to pick up baby wipes that I could not place for order pickup and quickly went through the toy/Easter section to grab some of the staple items I am always putting in their baskets.
I figured I would share some of the items I put in my kid’s baskets this year! It is nothing earth shattering given the fact I couldn’t browse through the store for things – which is one of my favorite things to do every spring!
moreLook For Less – Spring Home Decor
Spring is here! Yay, I love the colors of spring decor. So refreshing and bright, that alone just puts me in the best mood! I LOVE seeing how other people decorate their houses every season and figured I would share some things spring things I place around our house!
I know I’ve mentioned this in other posts, I like to decorate around my staple decor pieces – adding seasonal touches here and there. As my decoration inventory grows year after year, I’m sure it may be a different story, but for now, this is how I decorate our house.
Continue readingWhat We’re Cookin’ Wednesday – Two Weeks of Dinner
I don’t know about you, but lunches and dinners have just been different around here lately. First off, the convenience of heading out to the grocery store whenever and wherever you want is no longer – therefore you are forced to map out your meals or “work with” what you have.
Second, is it me, or are the kids eating/snacking more than normal?! I think I have been more aware as I am “rationing” them given the circumstances – another factor, adding another adult to our lunch crew, that can chew up some of the goods too!
Anyway, I figured I would share a look into our dinners for the past two weeks to give you some ideas and/or provide some help during these not so normal times. If you are able to have groceries delivered or can do curbside pick up- I am hoping this can give you a sense of what you will need to have on hand (at least a broad overview!).
Continue readingToddler Boy Room Reveal
This post has been a long time coming. We finally got my son’s bedroom “pretty much” completed. I say that because I am still searching for the perfect nightstand and table lamp. I do like exploring garage sales and flea market sales for those items, but given the uncertainty of the virus – I’m not sure how much garage-saling I will be doing this year. Nevertheless, I wanted to show you how his “industrial style airplane” room came together!
Read moreTip Jar Tuesday: For the “New” Stay at Home Parent…Activity Ideas
Welp, this quarantine has been something else! My husband and I were just chatting recently at how crazy it is that most people are now working at home and having to juggle that and their children.
Since not a whole lot has changed around here on my end (besides trying to keep the kids quiet during my husband’s conference calls upstairs) I figured I would share some activities/toys we have been playing to keep busy while we are forced in the house during this time.
moreWhat I Cooked Wednesday – Switching Up Breakfast/Brunch
The past two weekends we had some brunch/breakfast get togethers. We finally got together with my best friend and her family to exchange Christmas gifts (that took wayyy to long) and we celebrated my sister-in-laws birthday at my parents.
Breakfast and brunch dates just seem to work well with everyone during this stage in life. The kids are in a better mood, we are up and coming back from church at that time, the kids are able to nap right after the festivities and on a Sunday – a dinner get together would be tough.
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