Motherhood Monday: Parenting Self Audits

Good morning and happy Monday! I hope you had an amazing weekend – we definitely did as our weather was an absolute dream! We still have some nice weather on tap for us this week and we are definitely making the most of it.

I’m not going to lie, the past week has been rough. I’ve found myself angry, I’ve found myself consumed by everything that is going on in our country and also slightly terrified. I stepped away from watching ALL the news/media, which is sad this is what it comes to. I’m often left feeling upset that we are being controlled little by little and we will never know the total TRUTHS in anything going on. Journalist integrity is DEAD and that alone has put me in a dark place.

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Tip Jar Tuesday: Winterizing Home Checklist

Good morning and Happy Tuesday! My husband and I are starting to feel better which is good, the kids don’t QUIT – so that has been hard trying to juggle resting and playtime particularly when we’re trapped inside because the weather hasn’t been the greatest.

We did have a chance to get outside last week/weekend during some of the nicer days and finalize some of our home winterizing tasks. As I was working through my list, I thought, am I the only one with a winterizing checklist for the house? Are there things you button up every year and if so, how do you not forget about doing them? I would love to hear how you plan for the cold weather days ahead!


World Sight Day 2020: Hope In Sight

Each year, World Sight Day is recognized on the second Thursday of October and the purpose is to raise awareness about blindness, vision impairments and a reminder of the importance of eye exams and screenings.

Today, I see it necessary to spread this awareness and encourage you to take eye health very seriously – in particular being that advocate for our children. This is something they need us for! As a parent, it is our obligation to make sure we are aware of the vision developmental milestones and are actively listening and advocating for our kids.

If you’ve been following along, our daughter was diagnosed with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia – along with esotropia, hyperopia (farsightedness) and strabismus – at the age of 5 months. She is now 5 years old and has had 2 eye alignment surgeries. I shared our diagnosis story last year and since publishing, have heard from many people sharing similar stories.


October Coffee Stand Decor

Happy Tuesday! I was so shocked that it was time to already change out my September coffee stand decor! Today we are headed to a local orchard to enjoy the beautiful fall weather! In fact, it looks like it will be hanging around for a bit, which makes me SO happy!

As you know, and if you’ve been around here for a bit, I have so much fun changing up the decor on my coffee stand every month! Again, I like to inexpensively switch out this decor and subbing in seasonal vibes around a few standard pieces that are always there!! The Dollar Tree has AMAZING little items to help give you the vibe you are looking for!

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Fall Home Tour 2020

Good morning and happy Wednesday! In honor of the second day of fall, I’m sharing a little home tour of how I decorate our house for fall! Hope you enjoy our little tour and feel inspired to get a start on your fall decorating as well!

Our first day of fall included a pumpkin patch, donuts and apple fritters from our local apple orchard, hot coffee, a playground!

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Tip Jar Tuesday: Learning to Dress My Body Type

It’s Tip Jar Tuesday and today, I’m sharing something so obvious, but something I have learned to perfect. I cannot tell you the countless dollars I’ve spent on clothing that did not fit me right (whether too big or too small), did not flatter my figure, patterns that were way too over the top and styles I tried to duplicate because a celebrity wore it so “I can try to pull that off”.

Believe it or not, I feel like it has taken until the past couple years to accept the fact that I am SHORT! I’m 5’2 and I recall times where clothes I would try on with my average and above average height girlfriends, just weren’t the same on me! I needed to stop thinking there were other factors to perhaps why the outfit did not look as good on me – it’s simply because I was smaller!


Wild “One” & Unicorn Birthday Party Recap!

Yesterday we officially celebrated Audrey and Tommy’s birthdays! Audrey has been requesting a unicorn party – so we tried our best to make that happen! For Tommy, we did a Wild “One” theme and I honestly kept it VERY simple and super cost effective!

I know I have mentioned before that I have hoarder tendencies when it comes to party decorations. I throw any decor that is clean and able to be stored into bins in the basement for future use. When it’s party time, I shop those bins to find things/take inventory that could be used for the party before heading out to buy anything new!

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September Coffee Stand Decor

Happy Tuesday! I already know, this week is going to FLY! School starts tomorrow and I have a bunch of errands to wrap up to make sure everything is in order!

Later this week I plan to get out my fall decor and decorate the house, but to get a jump start, I decided to start with my coffee stand!

I have so much fun changing up the decor on my coffee stand every month! To kick off Fall, I swapped out my summer decor with yellow and red fall vibes! Again, I like to inexpensively switch out this decor and subbing in seasonal vibes around a few standard pieces that are there always!! The Dollar Tree has AMAZING little items to help give you the vibe you are looking for!

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What’s Trending?! Fresh Cut Flowers

What’s trending around our house lately? Plenty of time out in my cutting flower garden! There is always something to do – whether it’s deadheading, pruning, watering or harvesting – I’ve been enjoying all the time out there! The crazy thing – it’s not even that big!

For today’s “What’s Trending” post – I’m sharing some of my favorite garden flowers, views, arrangements and answering some random questions.


What I Cooked Wednesday – Yummy Peach Treats

We’ve had sooo many peaches around the house from our Peach Truck pick up a couple weeks ago! Some of the peaches were starting to take a turn for the worst, so I decided to make some yummy peach desserts. I LOVE apple crisp, so the first recipe is a spin on my apple crisp recipe I love this time subbing out apples with PEACHES!

The second yummy peach dessert – Baked Peaches with Whipped Cream – was made by a family friend and I just HAD to make them! She was kind enough to send me the recipe and WOW are these good! Shout out to Nicole – thank you for sharing!

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Motherhood Monday: Baby Registry Essentials – What you REALLY need

It’s Motherhood Monday! Today, I’m sharing some baby registry essentials for any Momma’s-to-be! I was pleasantly surprised that we had ALL the essentials covered from our first baby shower 5 years ago. I’ve seen so many new gizmos, gadgets and inventions come out and really did not invest in any.

Because I found myself content with what we had, I’m sharing the main things you REALLY need – no frills, just basics! These items worked for our family and sometimes I find – the less, the better!

A huge shout out to my former boss who assisted me in putting together the best list of items to include on my registry, the most patience when it came to explaining certain things and answering all my questions related to what to expect when becoming a Mom!

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Tip Jar Tuesday: Party Leftovers

It’s Tip Jar Tuesday and today, I’m sharing some tips on how to avoid being wasteful when it comes to having party leftovers. Earlier this month, we celebrated my husband’s 30th and our food menu was very “meaty” and the amount of leftovers was astronomical!

First off, one thing we like to do is send our family home with a nice container of leftovers – it can easily brighten someone’s day just knowing lunch or dinner is taken care of! I purchased plastic to-go containers and I was so happy to have these on hand in order to divvy out the mass amounts of leftover food.


Mid-Summer Garden Tour: How’s it Going?!

I’m so excited to share a little update on how the cut flower garden is coming along! I was out of town this weekend and came home to find SO many more blooms since I left. Naturally, I threw together some bouquets to stare at! This was a surprise bouquet for Audrey!

I’ve spoken to several friends who are doing a cutting garden and are really enjoying it! Others ran into some difficulty (deer attack) and burn outs. These gardens can definitely be time consuming – particularly when there is no rainfall for 2 weeks and 90 degree temps – but it’s a hobby for me so it is worth the work.
