Holiday Gift Guides 2021: Women

Happy second day of December! We put up our tree this weekend, but I just could not get to decorating the rest of the house! My daughter is telling me all her friends have their stockings up and that made me feel bad – thinking I should put up the decorations today!

Today I’m sharing my gift guide for women!


Holiday Gift Guides 2021: Toddlers + Teens

Good morning – I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving with your family! Today I’m sharing my toddler and teen gift guides! Today is Black Friday, and I hope you are able to find deals on all your holiday shopping and save some money!

A lot of the gifts I share here on my guides are items my kiddos are asking Santa for and/or items we already own, have been gifted and truly LOVE!


Holiday Gift Guides 2021: Teachers + Coworkers

Good morning and happy Tuesday! Today I’m kicking off sharing my gift guides for the 2021 holiday season! First up, teachers and coworkers! This year, I wanted to include some items that could be combined to make a cute little themed gift.

We have a lot of teachers and teachers aids to shop for, so I truly try to shop for deals and come up with a combination of items that looks way more expensive than it was! I hope these guides are helpful to you!


What I Do Wednesday – Laundry Essentials

It’s What I’m doing Wednesday and today I’m sharing my laundry essentials. I feel very passionate about certain laundry items and figured I would share these things with you!

First off, let’s talk laundry routine. There is literally ALWAYS at least one load running through the washer everyday. I throw all the kids clothing together and use the same detergent (will share it below!) and then separate undies, socks and towels and throw those together in a load. Obviously adult clothes separate from that.


Garden Clean Up – End of the Season

I can’t believe another gardening season has come and gone! This season was a wild one filled with crazy weather right from the start. I lost some of my beloved dahlia tubers to rot, fried tiny seedlings that were transplanted and picked an extremely poor spot to plant sunflowers. While there were many discouraging things that occurred, I was able to learn a lot and still blessed with beauty and rewarded with sell-able blooms!


What I’m Wearing Wednesday – Fall Finds

Happy Wednesday – I meant to post this yesterday, but the sun was shining and temps were perfection, so off to the fall fest farm it was! Today I’m sharing some recent fall clothing finds. I just went through a purge of my closet and looking to do round two again soon! One obsession I have is new clothes and trying different trends – I generally try to find these things at a discounted price point so sharing some “designer-like” looks at a bargain today!

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World Sight Day 2021: Love Your Eyes

Each year, World Sight Day is recognized on the second Thursday of October and the purpose is to raise awareness about blindness, vision impairments and a reminder of the importance of eye exams and screenings.

Today, I see it necessary to spread this awareness and encourage you to take eye health very seriously – in particular being that advocate for our children. This is something they need us for! As a parent, it is our obligation to make sure we are aware of the vision developmental milestones and are actively listening and advocating for our kids.

If you’ve been following along, our daughter was diagnosed with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia – along with esotropia, hyperopia (farsightedness) and strabismus – at the age of 5 months. She is now 5 years old and has had 2 eye alignment surgeries. I shared our diagnosis story last year and since publishing, have heard from many people sharing similar stories.


What’s Trending?! Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam at Home

Oh my goodness! Sharing one of my most favorite things with you today. If you’ve been to Starbucks and ordered the cold foam on top of your drink, you know how amazing it is! It is a cloud of heavenly sweetness that makes your coffee taste 1000x better!

I don’t have the chance to get to Starbucks a whole lot, which is a good thing too because it’s so expensive, so I’ve decided to enjoy my signature drink in the comforts of my own home! For today’s “What’s Trending” post – I’m recreating Starbucks vanilla sweet cream cold foam at home!


Toddler Girl Fall Capsule

It’s Tip Jar Tuesday and today I am sharing a cute and inexpensive fall clothing capsule for toddler girls. Fall is the perfect time for layering – therefore the mixing and matching of outfits is a lot easier when different elements such as a cardigan or jean jacket are added! These clothing options can go from church, to play, to party and everywhere in between!

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Fall Books for Kids!

I am SO excited to share some of these fall books with you. We love going to the library, but often find ourselves a little lost at times trying to find books that fit our current mood! I am so happy to share some of these adorable fall books with you in hopes that your library has them available.


September 2021 Garden Update

Happy Monday! My goodness is this month flying by! We’ve been finding our groove over here as we navigate full time school and having another kiddo in preschool part time. It really has been great and I can’t wait to share our routine with you. Today I’m sharing a little garden update. What a growing year it has been. Definitely learned a lot and already starting the process of planning for next year!


August 2021 Garden Update

Good morning – it’s a big day over here! It’s Audrey’s birthday and I can’t wait to have some fun after school! Today I am sharing my garden update to show you what has been happening! Weeds have been KILLER and massive rains during the end of July destroyed my dahlia beds! I’m learning a lot this growing season and also trying to have fun- here’s a look around the yard!


Back to School: How We’re Preparing

SCHOOL. STARTS. TOMORROW. OH MY GOSH – where did this summer go?! Honestly, it flew by. Yesterday I was crying for a good portion of that day – Kindergarten is a big deal in my eyes. It’s the beginning of a new era. The next 16 years of life will involve school and the freedoms I used to have with all three kiddos in tow on a weekday are gone – well until next summer – but you get the point. I am trying to make today a great day for Audrey and also get her prepared for her first day of Kinder, but before I head out to do that, I’m sharing some things we have done already to prepare for day one.
