Tip Jar Tuesday: Random Tips from Around the House

Coming at you with some groundbreaking information this Tuesday afternoon (heavy sarcasm) – but I figured maybe this random tip could help someone who is unaware (as I was) of the huge mistake they were making…

Rock solid Rice Krispie Treats?

Until about two years ago, I was completely in the dark that I was the one who was making the Rice Krispie Treats turn rock solid. For years, I would blame outside factors…dry air, forgetting to put cling wrap over the pan and even the use of off brand marshmallows…

Turns out, it was ME all along.

The key to soft rice Krispie treats is….

I honestly am probably the only one who has been doing it wrong ( embarassing) – but you want to know the key to soft Treats?

Wait for it…

It will blow your mind…

Melting the butter and marshmallows on LOW!

I was doing it wrong for so long. Honestly, if I would have followed the simple directions on the box, I would have never had to watch a family member nearly chip their tooth on my dessert. In my defense, I feel like I was always in a rush and didn’t have the patience to wait around for that commingling to happen.

Another thing….

Make sure your marshmallows are fresh too – an old/stale or hardening pack can leave you with the same issue even if you patiently followed step 1!

So, if you are like me and could never figure out why you could not get a soft rice Krispie treat, I hope this inspires you to try again!

If you’re reading this and laughing at the fact I didn’t know this simple intel – I’m happy I could bring a smile to your face today!

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