Good morning and Happy Wednesday! Today’s post is part of my “What/how I’m _____ …Wednesday” series. Today also happens to be National Stress Awareness Day. When I was mapping out the month I noticed this fell on today’s date, so I figured, why not open up and share how I have been trying to manage stress and anxiety in my life.
I didn’t think I was a super stressful/anxious person, but add family, constant chatter and serving as the referee to your kiddos day in and day out, it can wear on you! I’ve spent a lot of time thinking how I’ve become so tightly wound and found it actually is literally just that. Along with those things there are also physical and hormonal issues that contribute to this.
I’m sharing these issues in detail below because so many of us are dealing with the same things. We all have different factors causing stress and anxieties in our lives, some way more serious than others, but I’ve been determined to self sort it out as I never thought I could be affected by it so much. I have found different ways that help me tackle and handle stress. I have also discovered when I’m feeling triggered and how to avoid it. And obviously, I am working on improving areas of my life where stress can be easily eliminated.
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