Weekend Rewind – 08.08.22

Hi friends! I’m here, but haven’t been on here – which I always miss! It’s been super busy and other things took priority! We had family in town, we celebrated birthdays, we’ve been battling some sickies and have been gearing up for back to school (which makes me sad!).

Sharing a photo dump of life lately around here!

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What I’m “Re-designing” Wednesday

Good morning and Happy Wednesday! Today I’m sharing a little project I’m working on – a face lift to our dining room! I am SO excited to finally get around to doing this! The space isn’t AWFUL, it can just be BETTER!

Sharing my vision board for the space. I really want to brighten it up a bit and add a little french country/farmhouse flair!

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July 2022 Garden Tour

Good morning and happy Monday! We were rained out this weekend, but it was a good thing – we needed it big! I love how my garden seems to pop after a big rain! Speaking of garden – sharing some pictures from this month! I love seeing how much things grow when looking back at pictures!


Friday Favorites – 07.15.22

Good morning and happy FRIDAY!! I’m late to the game posting here this morning (per usual as of recently what it seems)! Excited for a fun-filled weekend ahead – I can’t believe these summer weekends are winding down!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika
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Day in the Life – July ’22

Good morning! I hope your’re having a great week – I know we’ve been enjoying some beautiful weather and relaxing all week! One of the few weeks we don’t have a ton going on!

Today, I’m sharing a day in the life post – as I always mention, these are my absolute favorite posts! I love looking back on these to see how things have changed/stayed the same/what was happening and I really love reading other bloggers DIL posts too (I’m nosy like that!).

Okay, let’s jump into a low key summer Wednesday! In fact, this day is kinda boring, but I had this planned forever so!

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4th of July & this week in Review – my favorites! 07.08.22

Good morning! I unexpectedly took another week off of blogging! I’m telling you, between the kiddos, my business and keeping up with the house – time FLIES! It’s been great though, I have set a list of areas around the house that I want to clean and declutter and I have been knocking that to-do list out big time!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika
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What’s Up Wednesday [6.29.22]

It’s the last Wednesday of the month, and that means I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers Mix & Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To to share what has been happening around here! These are my favorite posts – I LOVE seeing what others have going on and love that I can look back at these someday!

How are we at the end of June?! If summer could slow down just a little bit, that would be amazing! Here’s what is happening around here!

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Cedar Point Recap

Good morning and happy Tuesday! We just got back from a quick overnight trip to Cedar Point and I honestly could not be more excited to share this with you!

Per usual, we had a blast! We are fortunate to only live an hour and some change from the park, so doing an overnight trip works for us! If we miss some things, we can always go back! Sharing the details about our trip and some tips and tricks on how to make it a little better experience for you!


Friday Favorites – 06.24.22

Happy Friday!! My gosh what a week we’ve had! First off, the weather has been GORGEOUS! I feel so blessed. It has made for perfect garden conditions as well and things are moving along nicely! The kiddos wrap up their last day of vacation bible school so I’m off to get some errands done before their concert!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika
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What’s Trending?! A little about our mini Bernedoodle

Happy Monday!! This weekend flew by and unfortunately – the kiddos were dealing with some sickies so we had to cancel some of our plans for the weekend. Total bummer BUT at least 2 out of 3 kiddos are feeling better. This morning Audrey and JP are off to vacation bible school for day one of the week, which will be a nice little break for me (particularly not having to listen to bickering!)

Speaking of all the kiddos, I’ve been meaning to introduce our newest family member, Nellie! I figured I would do a Q&A about our sweet little girl as we do get LOTS of questions when we are out and about! Sharing and answering the most common questions we receive in case you want to learn more about this sweetheart of a breed!


June 2022 Garden Tour

Good morning and happy Monday! I hope your weekend was beautiful and relaxing! Today I’m finally sharing a garden tour to show you what’s been happening around here! I’m excited to see how this growing season differs from the last!
