Friday Favorites – 03.12.21

What an absolutely gorgeous week! We spent nearly everyday outside and it felt like a glimpse into our summer! Sharing some of my favs from the week!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Fav Pics from the week!

…This guy started swimming lessons this week!

Putting all the outdoor toys to work again…

…picnic and outdoor fun with the cousins!

Beautiful sunshine!

…and sunsets!

In the Garden this week…

I was outside working in the yard like crazy this week!

I started cutting back my hydrangeas – NOTE: these are Limelight Hydrangeas, a variety that can be pruned late winter/early spring. If you want to learn more about when to trim your hydrangeas and what variety, you can read my post here.

I cut it back a good 18″ – you can get a little more aggressive, but I like it to be a little taller to cover the pool equipment so I don’t go too crazy. The harder the cut eliminating those little shoots the longer the stems and more fuller blooms you’ll have.

Dahlia Awakening

Back in the fall, I dug up the Dahlia tubers and divided them for winter storage.

This week, I pulled out the boxes from my basement crawl space and went through throwing out any shriveled/dehydrated tubers. I am so pleased that I hardly tossed any, BUT I did notice some were starting to look rough.

I am doing a little experiment to “save” a handful of tubers (esp. if they were headed to the compost bin inevitably) so I’ll share what I’m doing.

If your tuber is SUPER dehydrated, there is no shot it will bounce back – BUT there were some that had potential so I let them soak in lukewarm water for 24 hours…

Some perked up a bit and had a little “give” to them when squeezed, which is a great sign!

Next step, I potted up into some moist potting soil using containers I have hoarded over the past couple years and left the neck sticking out in order to promote growth to sprout from the eyes of the tuber.

Dahlias HATE the cold, so I brought them in my dining room for now, but may move under grow lights I have in the basement. Will keep you posted on progress!

Mum Overwintering…

Another trial this fall, I decided to see if I could overwinter the mums I purchased from Aldi for my porch.

Since they are not FULLY hardy in our region (meaning our Northeast Ohio winter is a little too cold for them) I kept them protected from the elements in my attached garage (which is unheated).

I watered them every month and kept them tucked tight and here is how they are doing!

As you can see, I trimmed back all the dead and look at all that new growth! I will keep them in my garage until April then bring them back out into the world!

On the Blog…

Shared my recent Prime Time purchases!

I found my go-to sunglasses destroyed this past weekend so I ordered a couple pairs! I have a small face so needed something in the 50mm-52mm lens size dept. I also discovered that I have to be aware of the total length of the frames – anything too long hangs off the side of my head too far!

Love these aviators, they are the perfect size for me -they are 52mm across which will be better than what I’ve had!

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These classic square glasses were seriously perfect in every way except the length across my face! These would look amazing on the average person, but again my face is just SO tiny, so it unfortunately didn’t work – but I highly recommend this style! I love the tortoise shell frame and brown lens

Spring Decor

I shared my inexpensive spring decor and have been obsessed with these tulips

My coffee stand is March ready!

Neck Stretching

I wanted to update you on this little gizmo that my husband and I have been doing for 3 weeks now.

What we’ve noticed:
Definitely feel a difference in neck/shoulder muscles. I personally have been very sore after doing this recently, so I know it is working. The soreness started happening about a week ago. ONLY DO IT 10 MIN A DAY!

The instructions are not incredible, but it’s self explanatory I guess. You will know what feels right. Doing a yoga neck stretch is a great follow-up to this exercise. Working towards a more flexible neck and less tension in shoulders, neck, etc. I do track migraines, so I will see if I notice less of those in the months that follow!

Boredom Busters – Week 8

We’ve been continuing to share some indoor activity ideas for you on a weekly basis.

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