Friday Favorites – 01.21.22

Where. did. this. week. go! I had some blog posts planned for the week and just never got to them. I personally did not have the best weekend and then the kiddos ended up having a snow day Tuesday, so this week has flown by! Finally getting caught up after taking some much needed time for myself.

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Favs from the week!

Sharing these because they resonated with me!

The kiddos had a great time at Uncle Doug’s basketball game! They won, so even better!

Some winter sunshine is always a fav!

We got clobbered with a snowstorm this week, so lots of indoor time…

A little snow day play date was good for the kiddos and something they needed!

But also plenty of outdoor time when we could!

An ABSOLUTE FAVORITE – these three asking to have a sleepover in JP’s room! Ugh, my heart.

Fav Clothing from the week…

Anything comfy comfy comfy…

Fav Foodie from the week…

Served a BIG lunch over the weekend. Kinda fun to switch thing up a bit! Dinner consisted of turkey sandwiches. Something cozy about enjoying a big bowl of pasta and meat sauce on a cold snowy day!

Some after school brownie making was a fav!

In the Garden this week…

Getting my seed starting schedule buttoned up! Need to get the basement all ready to go for my grow lights

On the Blog…

Weekend Rewind

Prime time : Recent Amazon purchases

Let’s Look: How I Organize for the new year

Thrifty Thursday : How we budget using mint

Starting a new Friday fav tradition on my Instagram page today so click below to follow along!

Have an amazing Friday and weekend!

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One thought on “Friday Favorites – 01.21.22

  1. Joanne says:

    We had spaghetti and meatballs this week; it really hit the spot on a cold winter day. Looks like you did get a lot of snow.

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