Friday FALL Favs – 09.15.23

I’m bringing it back from last year! Each Friday – I’ll share some Friday favorites, but make it all things FALL!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Fav FALL things from the week!

Favorite of the week – this kiddo started preschool! He has been so excited to be just like his brother and sister!

He had an awesome first week of school!

One of my fall favs this week is having the kiddos back in school and the routine. We needed it, they are absolutely loving school and it makes me super happy!

Fall around here makes for the prettiest most glowing sunsets!

And we also enjoyed a cute fall book – totally recommend!

Fall is a time for celebrating birthdays around here! A favorite was Audrey hosting her very first friend birthday party!

Fav FALL Foodie of the week…

We love a good pumpkin roll – and Aldi has a good one!

Fav FALL Clothing of the week…

This lulu crossbody dupe is perfect and will carry me through fall with this color! The bag is too good for the price!

FALL thing in the Garden this week…

Give my flower instagram account a follow if you are interested to see what is happening around the yard!

The dahlias are just my most favorite fall thing!

Buckets of flowers in the brightest colors are a fall fav!

And gladiolus scream fall to me – they remind me of walking to the farmers market with my Mom on Saturday mornings in fall!

And gladiolus scream fall to me – they remind me

A favorite FALL thing

One of my favorite fall things – this week I’m featuring my front porch!

I love going all out with mums and the colors are just beautiful right now!

On the Blog this week…

Let’s Look: Our Evening Routine

Life Lately: Summer Recap – JUNE

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This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon.  As an Amazon Associate, I can earn compensation from qualifying purchases….I appreciate you reading along and supporting my blog!

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