Week Rewind – 02.14.22

Happy Valentine’s Day! We have recovered from a busy fun weekend by staying home to watch the Superbowl!

This picture describes the feeling at the end of the weekend perfectly…

Sharing some favs from the weekend!

Father Daughter Dance

Ugh, this was just so precious. I wish time would just pause right here. I know Andrew and Audrey both enjoyed the dance and their time together!

She looked beautiful and he was so handsome!

Her dress shoes didn’t arrive in time (I spent the whole day tracking that package haha), but that’s okay, we made it work!

We met up with some school friends for dinner prior to the dance

And then they were off to dance the night away!

Valentine’s Assembly!

Audrey and JP had a great time putting together their valentine’s day bags!

Sweet Treats

Okay sharing these cupcakes my sister in law made – they were filled with ice cream and topped with a deliciously light frosting!

Seed starting begins

I have officially started seeds for the season!! I am so happy to finally have started this – so many of the plants I grow need a decent amount of time (some 120 days) until days to maturity! Got those plants started and praying for good germination!

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One thought on “Week Rewind – 02.14.22

  1. Joanne says:

    Love that photo of them all sleeping; how funny that all their heads are turned the same way! The father daughter dance photos are so precious and those cupcakes look amazing.

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