Good morning and Happy Thursday – how is it Thursday already?! Well, we were hit with the tummy bug again – Audrey and I actually had it at the same time (which was interesting and a first for us here), but we’ve made it through and feel a lot better. I am waiting for the boys to come down with it because it is just so contagious, once it hits your house, you know it hits EVERYONE!
Anyway, today I thought it would be nice to share a post about “winter love”. It has taken me until recent years to really appreciate this season in life and I think there are some things I want to carry over from this season into the next ones.
Sharing some of the things I’ve learned to love about winter below:
More appreciation for sunshine and warmth.
You can almost always find us outside when the sun is shining in the winter (unless it’s super cold!). Sunshine is not an everyday occurrence for us in Northeast Ohio, so when you see it, you REALLY appreciate it. Would having perfectly sunshine-y days be absolutely incredible – absolutely, but I think you would get so used to perfect that everyday that the sense of appreciation for beautiful days would wear off. Having limited sunshine makes me appreciate our seasons (particularly summer and fall) A LOT more. We don’t lack in sunshine during those times and our weather is just beautiful. I feel blessed to live in this area!
Natural flow with Seasonal changes
I feel our bodies NEED and crave these times for laying low and staying cozy. We’ve enjoyed connecting with the kids more. It can be difficult feeling trapped in the house most days, but we’ve come to appreciate this natural time together. Not rushed with countless activities, places to go to, everything that summer seems to offer! Research has shown that winter months yield better sleep – due to less sunlight, colder temps and changes in our exercise habits. How amazing out bodies sense this natural flow and allow us to get more rest and relaxation!
We’ve learned to enjoy things of our home INSIDE. I also feel like I’m nesting, knocking off to-do’s I would otherwise skip in the summer months!
Winter activities
We’ve learned to appreciate the joy that snow brings! There is so much beauty and peace when the snow is falling. It is SO quiet and I recently read that the snowflakes actually absorb sound – how fascinating!
Bonfires are another fun winter activity! There are no bugs to contend with and the fire is ACTUALLY needed to warm you up! There is something so fun about bundling up next to a fire outside during the winter months!
Seasonal menu change
I’m a BIG soup lover and during the summer months, no one in my family is really craving soups and warm comfort foods!
It’s also been fun to bake a bit more – it’s cozy, just feels right for the season and it’s an indoor activity we enjoy! During the summer months, I feel like we are outside and bopping around so much that we rarely bake!
The sunrises and sunsets are just better!
The sun doesn’t get so “high” in the sky causing our sunrise and sunset views to change during these months! I love these glowy times and appreciate them more during these months because our vantage point allows us to see them! During the summer months, we don’t get the best visual because it’s blocked by backyard trees!
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear some things you LOVE about WINTER below! Cheers to the cozy season!
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