It’s the last Wednesday of the month, and that means I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers Mix & Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To to share what has been happening around here! These are my favorite posts – I LOVE seeing what others have going on and love that I can look back at these someday!
Had a crazy day that involved a trip to ER for nothing SO extremely grateful for that! Excited to share all the other great things that are happening around here!
What We’re Eating This Week…
Salmon, sheet pan veggies and probably a bunch of things on the grill!
I will say, $1 pizza slices are bomb – might have to hit it up a couple times after a morning park visit or something!

What I’m Reminiscing About
First day of school
This year FLEW by! I cannot believe how big the kiddos are getting it makes me so sad! I was a wreck last year and I’m unsure how I’m doing okay right now – maybe because it’s summer?!

What I’m Loving…
Summer Planning!
The kids and I have been having fun making plans for summer! I’m excited to share our summer bucket list tomorrow!
So far…we’ve been enjoying some easy summer mornings!

What We’ve Been Up To…
Planting garden beds
We’ve been working to complete the cut flower garden area – I had 19 yards of soil delivered so it’s been a whole process!

End of school celebrations
We celebrated some graduations!

Some awesome achievements!
Andrew and his buddies completed a half/full marathon this past weekend! It was fun to watch -super proud of them!

What I’m Dreading…
Nothing at the moment!
The only thing I can think of is feeding these kiddos all summer LONG! Our grocery bill soars during the summer months!
What I’m Working On…
I’m working on planting my cut flower garden, launching a new service for Sherman Acres Floral AND getting all my containers planted around the house!

What I’m Excited About…
Summer and swimming!
I’m super excited to have some fun with the kiddos, have some freedom and be able to swim! This year Audrey and JP are really good at swimming on their own! It’s super fun to watch them enjoy the pool a little more every year!

What I’m Watching/Reading…
Nothing! Excited to do some reading pool side this summer!
What I’m Listening To
On the hunt to find this rocking 80’s playlist on spotify! May just have to make my own – I’ll keep you posted!
What I’m Wearing…
Nothing new! Just a bunch of layers!

What I’m Doing This Weekend…
Excited to have a nice relaxing Memorial Day weekend! The weather looks incredible so I’m envisioning lots of pool time!
What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month…
Summer FUN!
Excited to get into a nice summer routine (sharing our routine on Monday come check it out!)
What Else is New??
Nothing else happening! Just ready to enjoy the outdoors!
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I haven’t even thought to check the weather forecast for the weekend! Our grocery bill is always gigantic… just wait and see. It definitely seems like the bigger they are the more they eat (which makes total sense but I always thought my boys were huge eaters as toddler and grade-schoolers and that somehow that would lesson as they stopped growing so fast)