First off, I’m back! As I mentioned in my first blog post – I will try to post 3-4 days a week – it will most likely turn into 3 days a week when baby arrives.
…WHEN BABY ARRIVES,…that is approaching so fast which leads to my next post I wanted to share with you all:
Okay, so I actually can’t even believe the arrival of our third baby is going to be here before we know it! Those “First Kid, Second Kid” commercials by Luvs are totally relatable and get me every time! While I haven’t brought out the essential items needed around the house when baby comes home just yet, I was thinking I should at the very least get my bag ready to roll for the hospital—which is why today I am sharing with you what I packed my hospital bag!
I am a total comfort person, so that style is reflected here. There are tons of cute clothing pieces out there, but when I am in recovery and exhaustion mode, these pieces fit my mood! This time around, I really don’t feel the need to over pack and I remember not even using some of the items I brought with my last time. Keep in mind, you will hopefully be at the hospital for 3 days tops, so you shouldn’t need too much! We also live about 5 minutes from our hospital, which is super convenient in case my husband or a family member needs to run something up to us!
I would like to note – a lot of these items are for those who plan to breastfeed. That is what I have done for both kiddos and these are the items I will need! Based on how you plan to feed baby, you can adjust accordingly! Okay so if you are basically ready to go into labor and need to head out the door now – Click this downloadable version! You are also able to click each individual picture for purchasing info, etc.
Comfortable sweatpants I am packing my favorite maternity yoga pants – I am so obsessed with these, they are super comfortable and a nice material! Also pack a pair of loose maternity sweats that can even double as PJs too!
Nursing bras For those Momma’s who are going to be breastfeeding these will make your everyday life (not only in the hospital, but at home) so much easier. These bras are super comfortable and clip right at the strap so you are able to pull down the ‘bra cup’ and feed you little one! I’m actually not even sure how people did it prior to these being invented – so convenient! I would invest in a 3-4 good ones. I personally have a couple sports bra styles and some with added support, but I did stay away from the underwire types. Your body changes so much, particularly your bra size when you start producing milk—so the more room and comfort the better! Links to ones I own below:
Nursing tank/cami Another great piece to own and bring to the hospital. Again, these are designed so you can pull the shirt aside or flap down from the shoulder and feed baby without having to pull your shirt all the way up and expose your belly, hehe! Pair this essential with a cardigan for a cute and comfy look. I know we had a lot of visitors and nurses in and out (which by the 3rd time around I’m not sure I care about exposing myself to be honest) and it was nice to have a shirt that you could conveniently put to the side and feed with minimal exposure
Belly Band This is an absolute MUST HAVE! I was able to wear my regular jeans unbuttoned for most of my pregnancy! This was nice to have post pregnancy as well.
Nursing Pajama set/nightgown or robe These look so comfortable and cute – I am definitely purchasing this one ASAP! A robe is nice to slip on when visitors arrive and wear when sharing skin time with baby. Also, when you get out of the shower and have all your healing steps to follow, you don’t have to stand in the buff!
Cardigans/zip up (doubled as PJs) Super cute and nice to have in case you get cold or hot in your recovery room. The grey zip up pictured below is seriously the softest and comfiest material EVER! I love the lengths of these too! UPDATE: Of course this is sold out, so alternative zip-up hoodie linked here.
Cute and comfy loose t-shirt or long sleeves (look for nursing styles if possible) Again, just another shirt to have especially when you are getting poked and tested every hour it feels! Pair with your maternity yoga pants
Flip flops I am a total germ-a-phob at hospitals, hotels and public showers. I ALWAYS put a slide on shoe or flip flop on immediately before my foot touches the floor. With that being said you can even pack slippers, but that kind of grosses me out as well and the whole process of bringing them home and having to wash them, which sounds like something I would never get to… Old Navy flip flops do the trick!
Comfortable cotton undies As mentioned above, all the healing steps require some comfortable underwear where pads and liners can be attached. I purchased Hanes Cotton Briefs which I know the pad could be adhered and stay put with ease. These will most likely be your life for the next couple months postpartum. They also are just so big, comfy and weggie-free—I feel like I’m almost wearing nothing at all, ha!
Slippers or cute thick socks to lounge in Again- I will most likely solely bring flip flops, but you could purchase these fun little socks below to lounge in!
Water bottle Could be unnecessary as I am pretty much obsessed with those big hospital mugs they give you! Nevertheless, it is super important to keep yourself hydrated through the whole process. Hydration is also huge when breastfeeding as well!
Phone charger So many calls, messages, pictures to take of baby, late night wake ups, a baby tracking app (The Sprout app is super useful in tracking feeding times and other nursing information) to keep up with and so many reasons to make sure your phone will be charged ALWAYS
Book/Kindle/iPad Make sure you make time for yourself to relax – whether it is playing games on your iPad, catching up on your favorite blogs or reading a book, make sure you pack one and/or all of these things for some relaxing moments
Shower toiletries Basically anything you will need for a shower – shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste and deodorant
Makeup For obvious reasons!
Going home outfit This year I packed this Navy Striped Midi Dress from PinkBlush Maternity. It is super comfortable and hits pretty much at the ankle on my 5’2 frame. It’s flowy and chic, and I can look put together as I leave the hospital and not have to worry about dealing with pants! Obviously will not be leaving the hospital in heels! Dressing this down with flip flops!I am all about being casual – this top and some yoga pants would also do the trick!
Camera I have a nice camera I use for family home videos, etc. – but obviously this might not be needed as phones do just as good nowadays!
Nursing pads I have yet to try the reusable nursing pads, but I love these easy to use and and dispose nursing pads. They stay stuck to your bra cup and catch any excess breast milk to prevent leaks
Nipple cream This was a recommendation of a friend of mine back when I had my daughter four years ago. I still love this stuff so much – all you need is a pea sized amount on each nipple to relieve any irritation, chapping and/or soreness associated with breastfeeding
I hope this list is super helpful for you and if you are expecting and packing, wishing you a safe and happy delivery! To download and print the checklist, please click the icon below:
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