Good morning and happy Wednesday! Today, I’m linking up with my some of my favorite bloggers, Mix and Match Mama and A Little Bit of Everything, to talk about how i stay healthy.
So excited to read other posts from fellow link up bloggers today! I love getting different ideas from others!

This post about being ”healthy” encompasses so many different things – mind, body and spiritual health. I am constantly working on ways to be healthier in all these areas and what I’ve found is that consistency is key! Worried about something? Turn to prayer and ask for God’s help! Had a bad day? Tomorrow will be better -try to stay positive – don’t let it spoil your whole day. Ate like garbage over the holiday weekend? Get back on track during the week and don’t let unhealthiness compound! Staying consistent with your health and making conscious decisions during your day/week is so important! I wish I could say I was better in the exercise department, but I honestly find for me, that staying in constant motion, running errands, being busy and enjoying the outdoors help me with my physical health.
In no way do I feel I am SOOO healthy, but I am always working on improving. Sharing with you some of the ways I try to stay healthy! Some of the things we don’t ALWAYS do, but again being conscious of it and having it to fall back on is important!
Ways to stay healthy spiritually
- Prayer
- Mass every week
- Daily Rosary
Ways to stay healthy mentally
- Understanding hormonal changes – this has been HUGE for me! Recognizing “that time of the month” and all the mood changes associated with it has helped me settle down. The fact that my husband now recognizes it and can empathize has been EXTREMELY helpful to our marriage!
- Challenging myself. I have really enjoyed launching my flower business. It keeps me busy, on my toes and is something I built from the ground up! It makes me feel accomplished!
- Having hobbies! I LOVE gardening and being creative! I love sports, playing golf and being outdoors! I joined the garden club here in town and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! It is some ME time, but it also allows me the chance to dedicate my time to something outside my home and meet new people!
- Leaving social media be – keeping my thoughts and lots of things PRIVATE! I don’t need to be so invested and can un-follow people that bug me! I’m in control of my own mental space
- Understanding ME – isn’t it funny, I’m still learning what makes me – ME! I have discovered certain trigger points and also discovered that as an extroverted introvert, I CRAVE quiet and me time (a near impossible thing for a SAHM!)
Ways to stay healthy physically
- Incorporating meatless dinners into our week
- Try to be as NATURAL as possible. I watch what I put in my body – from medicine to toxic foods – I am always trying to find more natural ways
- Eating breakfast – I LOVE bran cereal or oatmeal
- Homemade coffee creamer
- Daily vitamins
- Regular chiropractor visits – I can’t wait to share a blog post about this journey!
- Yoga or HIIT classes are my go-to! I will say, I do neither in the summer – which is not a good thing! Looking forward to starting a yoga class when the kiddos go back to school!
- Drinking water – water is soooo important for your health. I’ve recently noticed several health issues stem from being dehydrated.
- Portion control – this is HUGE for me! Don’t pain yourself by restricting a favorite food from your diet! If it’s big and unhealthy, eat a little at that time, stop yourself and box the rest for lunch the next day!
- Keep moving! – On average I’m naturally getting about 16,000 steps per day in the summer. Winter that number drops, so I try to workout more during those months.
- Regular visits to my doctors and regular blood work – this helps me alleviate any worries or stresses I may have about my health.
Sharing some food related items I enjoy that are healthier!
Apple cranberry oatmeal

And a glass of water and lemon (if we have them!)
I make a coffee when I get home from drop off featuring my homemade creamer. As of 3 months ago, I stopped purchasing coffee creamers after reading about some harmful ingredients they contain

For lunch I try to throw in lots of salad, grain, veges and fruits into my day!

When i snack, I try to be conscious about it and normally find myself making my PB protein shakes. It is delicious and fills you up just the right away.

Or some veggies and hummus…

I would LOVE to know ways you keep healthy! I am always working on these things and could use all the help I can get!
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