Hey! Happy New Year! Wow, I cannot believe it’s been nearly a year since my last blog post! Where did the time go?! More on that and some pictures to share about our 2024 later this week! I’m here to report, I am alive!
I know I say this every year – I want to be more consistent at blogging, I want to blog, but I felt pulled toward doing less, and not worrying about the perfect blog post every single day. It honestly became easier NOT to blog!
With blogging – it took too much time for me to do, I wasn’t organized enough and the time I could blog (morning) interfered with my flower farming schedule – of handling things before the kids woke up. Blogging started to stress me out because I wasn’t consistent, couldn’t get ahead, kept missing days and felt my posts weren’t “good enough”.
Could this year be better? Possibly. We are in a different phase of life – the kids are a little more independent and I have mapped out a content calendar that could assist, but we will see where things take me!
Last year, I was proud of myself for letting things go. I don’t need to do ALL THE THINGS. That was one of my goals in 2024. At the beginning of the year and spring I noticed I was bogging myself down with “unnecessary” things that could easily be prevented, altered or eliminated altogether. In the summer, I decided to form a flower farming schedule that allowed me to be flexible so I wasn’t wasting time away from the kids and home. Weirdly, in the seemingly small space I “farm” on our property, it really can occupy a lot of my time with all the to-do’s. So, I altered my business a bit, made less bouquets to sell at market, bought an overhead watering hose and decided to work in hour batches that worked for me and the kids. I was able to achieve my goals for the season, could have done more, but that’s okay. My priorities are always family and our home.
This brings me to my new goals for the year, which is applicable to what I just stated above. These words are a continuation and a push to do better in this new year.
My 2025 “Mom Goals/ Words of the Year” are: simplified, streamline, stamina and satisfied.

Make days easier for kids and husband – home is our place to rest and reset without feeling stressed
Stop over complicating home, business and blogging. Keep it simple and be consistent
Reverting back to ways of the “olden days”and encouraging simple living – use of imagination, baking, reading, playing, gardening, etc.
Less stuff, less clutter, simplified home maintenance
Don’t overcrowd our schedule – be okay with quiet and free days
Head out and about doing the mundane. It doesn’t have to be a grand adventure or big plan – find joy in the little simple things
Meal prepping to make decisions simple and provide healthy eats
Build and follow routines for school, home, flower farming – how can these routines make the day flow properly
Button up said routines to make it function better, flow and have the proper tools available (i.e. cleaning products, storage systems, calendars)
Daily homemaking efficiency – do not work distracted, break up chores into 20 minute tasks throughout the day
Run flower business more smoothly – find the areas that are snagged and smooth them out – space out days/subscriptions to make manageable
Prayer life consistency – sticks with daily prayer goals and routine – don’t fall off the wagon! Prayer and communication with God is #1 priority
Follow goals ALL year
Keep blogging, but keep it simple and have fun – it doesn’t need to be perfect
Stick with health goals all year – don’t quit – focus on breaking down to a weekly level – big picture can be overwhelming. Health goals – finding healthy alternatives, avoiding ultra processed and poisoned foods, workout with weights 2x a week
Stick with skin care and vitamin routine all year – you won’t see results overnight
Flower farming – push through potential burn outs (ie seed starting, weeding, digging up, post season clean), keep making bouquets and waste less flowers!
Be pleased with our home and lifestyle – make it function the best it can and appreciate it’s coziness and simplicity
Be satisfied with the mundane
Be proud of my work – don’t discourage myself if not what I envisioned, everything does not need to be perfect
Less is best!
…and those are the words I am working with this year. All excellent reminders on how to go about this new year. I look forward to the year ahead and can’t wait to share and journal “the mundane” with you!
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