Gift Guide Launch!

Good morning and happy Monday! Can you believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner?! Oh my gosh then right after that, Christmas?! The end of this year seems to be flying by so to get ahead of the game and start tackling your Christmas shopping, I figured I would share some gift guides based on items I use, love, gift to others and actually want for myself and kiddos!

I’ll be posting a couple gift guides each week all the way up until mid-December, so be sure to stop back to my blog to check them out! I LOVE gift guides! First off, it eases the stress of holiday shopping and getting ideas from others is extremely helpful when you are stumped trying to figure out what to buy for someone. I hope my gift guides are helpful to you this holiday season!

As far as sharing a weekend recap, there is nothing to really highlight. Our weekend was very uneventful. We had some crazy wind fly through here yesterday, so we spent the day hunkered down inside all cozy and warm! Thank goodness we did not lose power – a lot of people ending up losing their power. Trying to stay warm and cozy today and get some things done around the house as we are going to host Thanksgiving this year!

I will catch you back here tomorrow to share my Toddler Gift Guide!

Have a great Monday!

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