Friday Favorites – 08.07.20

It’s Friday!! Hope you all had an amazing week! I’m happy our weather has flipped back to summer mode – it was starting to feel like fall around here – which I’m not quite ready for yet!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Day in the Life

I shared a Day in the Life post this week – I love reading these posts on other blogs!

A good majority of my day was spent perfecting THIS post!

If you are expecting a baby, have a friend or family member who is pregnant or just want to reference this for later – I recommend pinning this!

This master list helps simplify a rather overwhelming time and eliminates any guess work! All the images and text are linked so you can add or order things for baby directly from here!

Yummy Peach Treats

We’ve been eating the last of our Peach Truck peaches and some of the less than perfect ones I’ve been baking up into this Peach Crisp

Also a friend of mine shared this DELISH Baked Peaches & whipped cream recipe and it was SO GOOD!

You can find both recipes here!

Men’s Athleisure – Thrifty Thursday

These Walmart shorts are A M A Z I N G! RUN to the store!

Can you guess how much these shorts are?!


The material is so nice and smooth and length wise they hit just above the knee!

They also have these “golf” shorts in some really neat colors as well. The material is a nice stretchy fabric.

I stocked up for my husband because what is nice about all these shorts is that you can dress them up or dress them down! Again, a BUNCH of different colors to choose from!

This Week’s Flowers!

I had so much fun making different arrangements this week! So much fun that I decided to set them out at the end of our driveway to sell for $5!

2/4 of the bouquets sold, but I’m thinking I might start setting some arrangements out a couple times a week throughout the rest of the summer!

Also, my Limelight Hydrangeas are an absolute FAV right now!

Cousin Time!

The girls have been asking to have a sleepover for such a long time! Ella slept at our house last night but prior to coming over, we enjoyed our favorite park, some dinner and fishing!

This father/daughter pictures make my heart MELT!!! Adorable!

It was just so precious watching them run around and have a great time playing together! I wish we could freeze time…

Have a great Friday everyone! I hope you have a great weekend! We have a first birthday party to attend and I’m hoping lots of pool time!

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4 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – 08.07.20

  1. joanne says:

    Yummy peaches! Our local orchard should be open for picking peaches soon and I can not wait!! Those shorts are a steal. I just checked to see if they came in a color my son could use for his school uniform but sadly they don’t. I think he would have loved them.

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