Good morning and Happy Tuesday! The kids are off of school yet again! We’ve had a whole string of snow and ice days, but I feel this will be the last of them for a while!
Today, I’m recapping our weekend! It was a “long weekend” as the kids were off Friday for a snow day!
We started our weekend by having a lego building championship. Each person was assigned a lego color and we had to come up with our own design using what was in the bag we got!
The kids had a lot of fun with it (as did Andrew and I). It was so fun to watch their creativity at work!
On their snow day, the kids had a blast playing in the snow!
We’ve yet to go sledding, but want to wait until it’s a little warmer!
On Saturday, Audrey and JP had their first games! JP is playing basketball for the first time with his cousin and Audrey and her cousin get to cheer for them!
After the game, we stopped at Andrew’s parents for a nice pizza lunch! It was the perfect post game get together, and of course I took zero pictures!
After that, we went home, changed and packed quickly! The kids were invited over to a friends house (all of them)! It works out so nice – Audrey’s best friend has a brother in JP’s class, so they all hang out – it works out great!
After I dropped them off, I came home, tidied a bit then got ready for mass.
After mass, Andrew and I headed out for a date night! The first one in a LONG TIME!
After a nice long date, we headed to pick up the kids and hung out chatting with our friends for quite a while! I was thankful we had went to mass at 4pm because we could sleep in before heading over to our family Sunday breakfast.
My family has breakfast together every Sunday. I feel bad, we don’t get to it a lot because we go to a different church and don’t wake early enough, but this Sunday we celebrated my brothers birthday so we made sure to get there!
These girls could be triplets!
After a nice breakfast, we headed home to rest and reset before the week ahead!
Audrey helped me reorganize and clean our laundry room!
She was a major help!
I caught this sweet moment along the way!
I also started cleaning the grout half our kitchen floors this week. How satisfying it was!
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That sounds like a wonderful weekend and yay for a date night out!