Friday FALL Favs – 10.13.23

Happy Friday! How busy we’ve been with life around here! Each Friday – I’ll share some Friday favorites, but make it all things FALL!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

We enjoyed A LOT of fall things this week and it sure felt a little like fall after the recent temperature drop. The leaves are slowly starting to change and we can feel that our summer has officially ended. Today we have a new pool liner being installed and then its time to close the pool up until the warm weather returns again!

Fav FALL things from the week!

Andrew had a work function I was able to attend – the venue and food was fabulous!

After dinner, we stopped by for drinks at one the most unique places – Jaja Cleveland

One of my favorite little towns – had to run into the post office and I just think it’s the cutest!

Fall fav – pumpkin patch with the kiddos! They had a blast!

We made our porch look very pretty!

Fall allows for the most prettiest sunrise sky from our bedroom!

And some of the prettiest amber glowy sunsets!

Being with my family is my favorite!

Fall calls for night pool time to be replaced with more family walks!

A fav was being up at the school helping this week! I love seeing the kiddos at school! This guy loved helping out too!

School pics came back and they are my fav!

This guy skating for the first time at a birthday party was my fav! The cutests!

Such sweet friends is a fav! The kids loved skating!

Fav FALL Foodie of the week…

Homemade philly cheesesteaks

Soup is always a fall fav!

Cinnamon rolls from the local bakery! I’m not sure why I didn’t snap a shot of the actual roll, just the adorable fall city!

Fav FALL Clothing of the week…

Sweaters are back out!

FALL thing in the Garden this week…

Give my flower instagram account a follow if you are interested to see what is happening around the yard!

It’s almost TULIP planting time!

There is no frost expected in the extended forecast so I’m enjoying my dahlias as much as I can right now!

Last week I enjoyed assembling bouquets with my Mom in her backyard!

A favorite FALL thing

We went apple picking with family and enjoyed the sweet little pumpkin patch after school! The kiddos love running around the corn maze and hay bale fort!

On the Blog this week…

Have been a lousy blogger! Nothing to report here!

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This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon.  As an Amazon Associate, I can earn compensation from qualifying purchases….I appreciate you reading along and supporting my blog!

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