Good morning! I unexpectedly took another week off of blogging! I’m telling you, between the kiddos, my business and keeping up with the house – time FLIES! It’s been great though, I have set a list of areas around the house that I want to clean and declutter and I have been knocking that to-do list out big time!
Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Favs from the week!
I mowed the grass with the zero turn lawnmower for the FIRST TIME! It was difficult, but I finally got the hang of it!

This lady joined me for a couple errands while the kids and Andrew went to a movie!

The long weekend was much needed – chores done on Saturday and time to read and relax, which rarely happens – we are always go, go, go!

Audrey and I did our nails for the 4th! She picked the color scheme – LOVE how they turned out a fav for sure!

We had a party at my brother and sister-in-laws – of course I take no pictures! But it was a lot of fun!
PLENTY of swim time! Loved the early morning swim on the 4th followed by…

The parade!

Such a beautiful day! Happy Birthday America!

We walked across the bridge to the polo fields for the post parade ceremony and enjoyed some hot dogs

….and meeting a fellow bernedoodle pup!

Then back home to swim and wait for our neighbors firework show!

After the 4th holiday weekend we were BEAT!

This week I got a lot of housework done – we laid low and had some various appointments!
We celebrated the last game of tball – the kiddos had a great season!

Followed by dinner out – PARTY OF 17 please…

Their tball coach put together a little end of the season party at the local splash pad! So fun!

A fav was swapping out my coffee stand for some summer fun!

Fav Foodie of the week…
This london broil was FABULOUS!

Sharing my favorite go-to lunch again!

I add cooked a squeeze of lime, corn and avocados to this salad to make it fresh!

Fav Clothing of the week…
Wore this top on the 4th!

Giving you a sneak peak into my wedding dress try on this week! I’ll share some wedding dress options (as I’m currently on the hunt for the right one!)

This dress is perfect for a barn wedding – I wore this to church this weekend and am obsessed with it!

In the Garden this week…
Give my flower instagram account a follow if you are interested to see what is happening around the yard!
We got some much needed rain this week! I feel like everything grew an inch after that!

On the Blog…
I shared ALL about our 24 hr trip to Cedar Point – we had a BLAST!
Cedar Point Recap
It was also What’s Up Wednesday, so you can check that out here! One of my favorite posts!
Cheers to a short week and a relaxing weekend!
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Your nails look great and I love that tiered blue/lace embroidered dress. It sounds like you had a wonderful 4th of July celebration.