What I Cooked Wednesday – Sausage Potato Hash

Today I am sharing an absolute favorite recipe in our house! I LOVE a good breakfast hash, and this was inspired by a hash I got in Denver at brunch during my cousin’s bachelorette party. I came home raving about it to my husband and figured, heck – I could make this!

Now, this particular hash I got had chorizo! You could have chosen bacon or sausage as well, but chorizo was speaking to me that morning.

We like to have ground sausage on hand, so that is what we used for this particular recipe!

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Home Maintenance: Spring To-Do’s

There has been so much “tidying up” going on around here and I thought I would share what happens around the house when spring hits since we are going through it!

Upkeep on a home is no joke – especially with a lot of outdoor space – whew. Honestly, I can’t even believe the amount of to-do’s we have going on and some of the things we never even get to! It doesn’t help that I am the type of person dealing with this internal battle, “Why should I pay someone when I can do it myself?” (my husband, exact opposite).

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Tip Jar Tuesday: My Garden Journal

Welp, it snowed again and we are dealing with more freeze warnings around here. As most of you know by now, I LOVE flowers and gardening! Our fluctuating May temps and cold snaps here in Northeast Ohio has made for A LOT of difficulties in the gardening space. I have been checking the weather non-stop, and I hope we are in the clear of cold weather for good by this weekend. Peace out, COLD!

I thought today’s tip jar would be a perfect thing to share as I will begin all my planting this weekend! I’m loving how my garden journal has turned out and highly recommend creating your own if you have a lot of garden beds that need more plants, forget when the right time for pruning is, are doing a cut flower or vegetable garden, or you want to better understand your landscaping.

Let’s take a look at some of the main things I highlight in my binder!


Motherhood Monday: My Kiddos

First off, Happy Mother’s Day to every MOM out there! I am praying for you all today!

To my incredible Mom, thank you for showing me what selflessness is. You don’t appreciate what Mom’s do, or even see the little things until you are in it, so thank you for IT.ALL. – being my advocate, listener, example of faith, advice giver, rock, and best friend. It has been so amazing watching you become a Grandma and I am EXTREMELY blessed to have a Mom like you!

I also wish Happy Mother’s Day to my amazing Mother-in-Law for raising the most incredible man ever. I am so blessed to have you in my life as a bonus Mom! Raising 5 kids, I could not even imagine! Thank you for the person you are! The kids are so lucky to call you their Grandma!!

To my Grandma, my husband’s Grandma, our deceased Grandmothers and all other Moms I’ve been so blessed to be surrounded by in my life (Aunts, sister-in-laws, cousins and friends) wishing you all a Happy Mother’s Day as well!

I figured the day after Mother’s Day would be the perfect day to add Motherhood Monday to the mix on my blog. I thought this would be a fun way to answer questions I’ve had, share insights discovered and be a resource to others all things related to being MOM! At times it will be light and fun and at other times I envision it raw and real.


A Cinco Drinko – Coconut Mango Margaritas

Good morning everyone! Happy Cinco de Mayo! The quarantine is definitely making Cinco de Mayo plans look a little different for everyone this year!

Since we will be home and not out at a restaurant, we decided to share a twist on a regular mango margarita that you can make at home. My husband is OBSESSED with Bai Flavored water. They are SO SO good and there are so many different flavors! We’ve always said how tasty they would be in all different types of mixed drinks and cocktails – you could really get creative!

We decided we wanted to doctor up a coconut mango inspired margarita in honor of Cinco de Mayo. This is a slushie margarita and can be adjusted in many different ways to fit your taste palette.

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