Year in Review (part 1)

Happy Wednesday, everyone! We are making it through the week and it is honestly going way easier than I expected. The kids have adjusted really well, but this morning will be the true test as Tommy has his first day back to school. He has truly loved sleeping in.

Today, I figured I would recap our 2024 as I legitimately left the blogging scene back in the spring. While it was nice not worrying about blogging, I did miss it a lot! Spring tulip season rocked me to my core and I’m sure that’s when blogging stopped! So let’s pick up where we left off and share some updates from March-July!

Okay, April 8th was one of the coolest days ever! Experiencing the solar eclipse and being right in the line of totality was pretty unbelievable. Everyone was off of school, so we spent the day making some treats and snacks before heading out to the backyard to check in as it started around 2pm. Normal daylight brightness appeared so faded and dull as the time went on getting closer to the total eclipse. It was really spectacular to experience!

As I mentioned, I started the spring knee deep in tulipmania. While it was absolutely stunning, the season nearly broke me. Thank the Lord for my Mom, I was able to salvage the trainwreck I created and we ended up having a great season. My body was in shambles picking and processing 4700 tulips! Here they are in some of their glory!

After tulips and Mother’s Day, we were able to enjoy some pretty big milestones that May had to offer! Audrey made her First Holy Communion, which was an absolutely beautiful day! We had the baptism of my Goddaughter and Audrey’s first dance recital! She did hip hop for the first time and did AMAZING!

After that, we celebrated some pretty great milestones and championships! The kiddos wrapped up their school year
– Audrey received the Difference Maker award for the 4th quarter
– JP’s flag football team won the championship!
– JP graduated from Kindergarten (ugh, happy and sad at the same time…)

The start of our summer was super nice! We had some weddings at the beginning of summer! Beautiful venues and some awesome experiences! We went to our first Lebanese wedding and my gosh, we still talk about it today. So rich in tradition and a whole vibe!

We found our summer routine, started crossing off our summer bucket list items, hit up the playgrounds and nature centers, swam, had picnics, a family reunion, planted and nurtured flower beds and were really loving all the freedom summer has to offer!

…And that takes us all the way until the end of June! Part 2 tomorrow should get us all caught up!

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