What’s Trending?! Self Care Importance

What’s trending around our house lately, besides absolute chaos?! Ha, but in all seriousness it has been a crazy couple weeks, but we are finally catching up!

For today’s “What’s Trending” post – I’m sharing some things that have been on my mind and how sometimes it is easy to neglect taking care of yourself.

I had intentions to post every day this week and never got around to it. That can be frustrating at times because I do enjoy writing. I am back dating some posts because they have been in drafts and this week FLEW by! How fitting this post comes around Mother’s Day!

As parents, it can be easy to burn yourself out at times. I’m sharing some thoughts regarding this and ways to prevent the “burnout” feeling on my Motherhood Monday post (actually written today), but taking the time to refuel your body, soul and brain is such an important thing! I don’t want these posts to sound moody or gloomy, but I also want to share what is really going on in life because there is someone out there who may be dealing with the same feelings!

Why Self Care?

It may sound selfish, but it actually is not. Self care does not mean neglecting the needs of your spouse or children, it just means being aware of your own needs so you can take care of those around you better! Are you finding yourself stressed, overwhelmed and frustrated? I know I do at times, and it generally comes when there feels like a million things are happening or need to “get” done – I will go into detail on this on the Motherhood Monday post.

Self care can help provide a break from stress, give you that alone time you need (I’m an introvert and need it!) and reset your mind.

Taking some time out of your busy day to focus on things that you enjoy, make you happy, feel healthier or allow you to get better organized is SO important for your health and mental well being long term! Here are some ways I’m trying to incorporate self-care into my daily routine. Big shout out to my husband for always simplifying things and listening when I vent!

  • Brain dump: my husband actually told me to do this. Write down everything you have on your mind – all your to-do’s, thoughts, everything – this simple task will declutter your mind and thoughts and allow you to put focus on things that need to get done. Cross them off once completed. Because there is so much going on, I need things written down. That is the type of person I am – eliminates the potential of forgetting (which leads to more stress!)
  • Prayer, meditation and journaling: This is a MUST for me. My faith is a huge part of my life and at times, it can get placed on the back burner which should NEVER happen. God can get you through whatever you are struggling with. Communicating with God does not just have to be JUST when I am sitting down or journaling. You can talk to Him at any time of the day.
  • Waking up Early: This is something I have been trying to get back on track with. I think I’ve constantly been feeling exhausted from being burnt out and have just been hitting the snooze button. During the summer, I’m more motivated because the sun is up nice and early. When I wake up early, I’m able to get my “Me” time in and enjoy some peace and quiet before the kids wake.
  • Morning Yoga/Workout: This goes hand in hand with waking early. I LOVE Yoga with Adrienne and feel incorporating Yoga in my day-to-day is the relaxation I need. Stretching out all my wound up muscles and tension will immediately help my mood.
  • Getting enough sleep: This is something my husband and I are working on! During quarantine we fell of track and were staying up so late. One other thing we are finding is that we need the kids to go down a little earlier. We have a late bedtime around here and are shooting to get the kiddos in bed by 9:00 – 9:30 at the latest
  • Date Nights: My husband and I just need to make more time for these! Every time we have one, we always say how refreshing it is and what a great reset it is for our relationship which can get bogged down by the day-to-day.
  • Time with Friends: EVERYONE is SO busy, but it is important to schedule things with friends. Filling up that social aspect of your life is so important. By not getting together or remaining in touch, you are missing out on so many laughs and great times/memories.

These are some of my self care priorities, would love to hear your self care routine! Share in the comments below!

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