Happy Monday!! This weekend flew by and unfortunately – the kiddos were dealing with some sickies so we had to cancel some of our plans for the weekend. Total bummer BUT at least 2 out of 3 kiddos are feeling better. This morning Audrey and JP are off to vacation bible school for day one of the week, which will be a nice little break for me (particularly not having to listen to bickering!)
Speaking of all the kiddos, I’ve been meaning to introduce our newest family member, Nellie! I figured I would do a Q&A about our sweet little girl as we do get LOTS of questions when we are out and about! Sharing and answering the most common questions we receive in case you want to learn more about this sweetheart of a breed!

What breed is your dog?
Nellie is a mini bernedoodle (Bernese mountain dog mom and a mini poodle dad

How big will she get?
They said she will get to be 30-40 pounds

What is her coloring called?

So many people think she is a Australian shepherd mix of some sort. Nellie is a tri-color blue Merle (she has grey, black tan and white coat!)
Does she shed?
She does not! Which is so crazy to me because she is so fluffy! Because she is a poodle mix little to no shedding happens. I would compare her shedding to myself loosing strands of hair here and there.

If you wanted absolutely no shedding, you would want the F1b mini bernedoodle – that is a backcross – 25% Bernese and 75% poodle. I personally love the F1 coat and how its more wavy!
Why did you decide to get a dog?

Oh my gosh, it’s funny how it all came about! We are we’re very against getting a dog – not because we wouldn’t love it, just because of the time and freedom limitations that come with it. It was a snowy MARCH day and Andrew had enough with our boring winters/spring so he threw out the idea of getting a dog – Audrey was stoked, I said no way we could then proceeded to research different hypoallergenic dog breeds that would fit best with our family and fell in love!
Why did you choose a mini bernedoodle?
We had narrowed it down to 5 breeds: Maltipoo, aussidoodle, golden doodle, bernedoodle and cavipoo

We ranked each breed on a bunch of different criteria we came up with (temperament, good with kids, size, health, etc!)
My mother-in-law had sent over this extremely helpful article that ranked differences between 4 different doodle breeds (yappy/barking, temperment, hyperness scores, etc). The bernedoodle checked out best in what we were looking for! The Bernese in her just makes her so chill, loyal and sweet!

We are so in love with her – she has been the best, most sweetest addition to our family. She is so smart and a people pleaser, which makes training for these first time dog owners very easy! Nellie loves to be around us and is such a cuddly little love! This breed is truly incredible!
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Nellie is super cute! Hope your kids are feeling better.