Week Rewind – 05.17.21

We had some beautiful weather this weekend and we made hay while the sun was shining! I am so sore from a crazy weekend of getting our garden beds ready to go! It is looking amazing back there, but still plenty of work to be done. We are on the final steps and will try to finish things little by little this week. Sharing our weekend below…

Garden Expansion

I feel like I’ve been talking about this every week, but this weekend was IT! We got started on expanding the cut flower garden and it was no JOKE!

Friday morning I dropped Audrey off at school and grabbed Andrew an iced coffee because he was the sweetest to take a half day to start this project! Waiting for the sod cutter to be delivered and enjoying the last minutes of relaxation.

The sod cutter arrived!

Andrew mowed down the area…

I measured and mapped out the beds so he could just run the sod cutter – marking dots every 6″ or so down the line…

First line and were off!

We had thee best helpers ever!

Then it was off to pick up Audrey from school, she had a half day but the teachers kept her longer to do a end of the year evaluation and visitation to the Kindergarten class! She LOVED it!

We grabbed some subs for lunch (their fav) and it was back to work!

We did it! Step 2 was the worst. Each of these sod rolls weighed about 35 pounds each. My job was to cut them into manageable pieces that could be thrown into the trailer hitch then taken to the back compost pile in our woods.

Audrey grabbed my phone at one point and snagged an action shot without me knowing. This was towards the end and our arms were BURNING!

We finished as much as we could before it was time for me to get ready for girls night! Of course got ZERO pictures but enjoyed drinks and apps on the most gorgeous patio EVER!

If you’re local, you need to check this place out!

Had an awesome night and it was back home for bed because more work in the morning!!

Finally completed the job! Here’s the before:


Then over to construct the raised beds

These were fairly simple to construct – hoping they hold up well!

Then I had some little hands help me plant more gladiolus bulbs!

Then we hit up the park with the cousins! We haven’t seen them in so long, so it was nice to have some fun at the playground!

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One thought on “Week Rewind – 05.17.21

  1. Joanne says:

    What a big job to tackle all at once like that but I bet it is a relief to have that part over with!

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