Happy Thursday! I can’t believe we are a weeks away from a new school year beginning! We just got home from vacation and my husband just had a medical procedure done, so it’s been crazy around here! Last year, I put together a list of to-do’s to have completed prior to the first day of school and I figured I would share that here in case you are in the same boat preparing for all things back to school!
This year I forced myself to get ahead of the game. In July we went back to school shopping. I currently have everything unpacked and boxed up in the dining room. The kids will be dropping off their supplies to their classrooms next week, so I’m happy to have that out of the way!
Appointments have been made and necessary forms are almost complete!
I did a big uniform haul and had them try on everything. Shoes have been ordered and I will need the kiddos to try those on as well.
The last thing I’m currently working through is updating all my calendars with important dates, days off, etc. I probably own wayyy too many paper calendars, but they each serve a different purpose. Maybe next year I will consolidate and get my stuff together and do everything digital!
Hope this list is helpful for you! Click on the graphic to download a PDF version!
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