Hey and Happy Thursday! Today I wanted to share a little more about our Mini Bernedoodle, Nellie who just turned 3! I can’t believe how many views these posts have received – there must be an increased interest in the breed! So, if you were anything like me 3 years ago – searching for any information I could find about Bernedoodles, you’ve come to the right place!
First, I always start out by saying, we had no intention on a dog. We thought our lifestyle would be WAYY too busy for a dog, but it is crazy how you find a way to make it work. It also helps that I am a stay at home Mom, so I am around her a lot, that made us feel more comfortable with the decision. Getting a dog was one of the best decisions. She brings us pure joy. We are always fascinated by her (and the fact there is an animal living in our house).
Nellie is a very loving dog and she fits right into our family. She has started to settle down in terms of not trying to sneak out of the house when she knows we are leaving – because she is smart and would try and find a way to get into the car with us. She has naturally learned to mellow out when guests are over – she used to get overly excited and curious, not in a bad way, just sometimes annoying and puppy-like, ha!

Thinking about getting a mini Bernedoodle? Sharing info below!
The 3 year old
Here’s some of her stats:
– She weighs 38lbs
– I love her wavy coat – it’s not super curly and is REALLY soft!
– Her tan spots have faded
– Overall her health is great
Then and Now

About Mini Bernedoodle’s
Here’s a little about the mini Bernedoodle. The mini Bernedoodle is a cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Toy poodle. Nellie’s Mom (the Bernese) weighed 65lbs and Dad (the toy poodle) weighed 11lbs. The mini Bernedoodle weighs between 30-40 pounds. People always wonder is she is a puppy based on her size. They are hypoallergenic and coat types can vary among – wavy (which is little to no shed – F1 Bernedoodle) and curly coat (F1b Bernedoodle). Nellie has the wavy/straight coat!

Most Bernedoodles have coloring like the bernese – black, white and tan – Tricolor. Nellie’s coloring is tri-color merle.
How would I describe her?
She has the sweetest personality! She’s so stinking smart – I have to share this because I couldn’t believe it. We were celebrating Christmas at my in laws house and I had forgotten her water bowl at home – anyway we were sitting playing a game and she seemed restless about something. She started barking at my water bottle and I was so confused. I thought maybe she wanted to play – so I gave it to her – she had no interest but kept grumbling at the bottle. It occured to me, SHE WANTED WATER! So I filled a bowl – she followed me to the sink and literally guzzled a whole bowl! How insane she associated the water bottle with water!
Nellie is turning into an old soul. We always have kiddos running around and she is starting to find spots where the loudness is less and the mass of kiddos cannot get her, ha!

I also describe her as silly! She has a goofy little personality and there are little quirks that make us laugh. She will plop right down on the bed when I’m trying to make it, in the middle of a Go Fish card game or in the middle of my laundry pile I need to fold. She loves a cozy bed and is the best sleep companion. She does not try to hog the bed as she likes having space herself.

She is a herding dog, so her natural instinct is to get everyone in line. Not the best when the kids are riding scooters, motorized John Deere tractors, sometimes when the kids initially get on it, she will bark at the object. Overall though, she is very playful and fun for the kids! I always say she is my extra set of Mom eyes. It is very cute, she keeps an eye on them always and likes to be anywhere they are. She is BEYOND sweet with babies. We have a lot of nieces and nephews in my family and she is so gentle with them. My one niece who just turned 2 was pulling on her fur one time and Nellie would just get up and move if annoyed. I praise her for being so gentle and also encourage/teach the little kids how to be gentle and pet dogs.

Bernedoodles do fade. I think those pups with the darker tan spots hold on to them? Also, a breeder might be able to steer you in the right direction if you have a strong preference in coloring.
Grooming schedule can be extended longer in the summer when we shave her down and keep her fur short during this time (~10 weeks)- but in the winter, we like it long and this requires regular brushing and more frequent trips to groomer – I was trying to do every 8 weeks in the winter, but find 6-7 weeks is pretty good in the winter.
Stay up on brushing, that helps her coat big time and eliminates the need to have to shave them down each grooming because of mats.
Her Favs
Here’s some of our favorite products for Nellie.
Food wise – this has been a struggle for us. Honestly, she would LOVE a wet food diet, but I heard it’s not the best for their teeth? I need to do more research, but right now she loves the Purina One True Instinct High Protein food. She’s never been a major eater, so we do about a scoop and a half a day. This has worked for her. Obviously, if she hits her bowl, we will make sure she is fed!
Training bells – she got used to using this very quickly!

Retractable leash – we love the durability of this leash

The next products are going to seem repetitive, but all have different uses.

I try to brush with this one most frequently, it’s more tolerable for Nellie and does the job detangling!

This tool is extremely effective. I use it occasionally when her fur is longer and mats could form under her top fur.

This brush was recommended by our groomer. It helps remove mats and keep Nellie’s coat shiny and clean looking!

This brush is like the light blue brush I shared above, I use it for more everyday brushing, it’s less invasive and gets any knots out.

Obsessed is an understatement! She LOVES these!

Squeaky Plush and Crinkle toys

And that’s a little about Nellie! We love her very much!
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