Let’s Look: Low Level Goals for 2025

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is a Let’s Look prompt where we link up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama blog and Erica from A Little Bit of Everything blog. I’m super excited about all the topics this year – they are just so creative and fun! So kind of them to do these link up parties!

This month’s topic is, low level goals for 2025. These low level goals are actionable and a means to an end or towards achieving your high level goal – more day to day goals.

In case you missed it, I blogged about my 2025 goals here

So, using my 2025 high level goals as a guide, let’s take a look at some of my low level goals. My words were simplify, streamline, satisfied and stamina.

DON’T BE AFRAID TO SAY NO – time is flying oh, so quick and I don’t need to feed into that rush. Protecting our precious family time is very important to me. I saw this the other day, and it really stuck with me.

This. is. goals.

MORE HOMECOOKING – My goal is to meal prep lunches and snacks for my husband and family. Be more in control of what we are putting in our bodies. Our health is SO important and teaching/showing the kids the importance starts now. I want them to build healthy habits that will grow with them.

There are so many healthy alternatives to unhealthy snacks, start making little changes and watch how the changes add up!

BE CONSISTENT – Follow my daily to-do’s and goals and watch habits form. My goal is to workout with weights 2x a week. That is really nothing, but I need to stick to that schedule and understand the long term goal of it. Just because I’m not seeing results with something, doesn’t mean it isn’t working or making my body/home/life better. STAY CONSISTENT, every day counts and adds up!

DAILY ROSARY – this is beyond important for me. Adding this into my daily prayer routine is a goal of mine. For some reason, year after year, I fall off after a couple months in.

LESS WASTE/EXCESS – This applies to almost everything – grocery, spending, products, clutter, etc. Making a daily effort to minimize waste in our home and life will add up in the end and help us achieve our goals in budgeting, decluttering and homemaking. Again, doing these things CONSISTENTLY every day and being aware of them daily is something I will try to do this year!

Hope you have a great Wednesday!

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