Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is a Let’s Look prompt where we link up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama blog and Erica from A Little Bit of Everything blog. I’m super excited about all the topics this year – they are just so creative and fun! So kind of them to do these link up parties!

It’s been a busy week already and it just started! Spring sports practices have begun and came on with a bang. We went from nothing to literally everything. The weather has been just so glorious, so I’ve made the effort to get outside and tidy up my gardens as much as a can.
I’m excited for today’s Let’s Look link up. During the school year particularly, we follow this Sunday “reset” to ready for the upcoming week.
First off, I’m always making sure laundry is done and everyone has what they need for the week ahead – uniforms, gym clothes, practice or jerseys – I get those going and have them ready to go so we aren’t scrambling.

We love to relax on Sundays – we cherish the day. It’s always a slow easy morning filled with coffee, family breakfast at home, Mass and generally an easy afternoon of rest and dinner together at night. This helps calm us for the week and make sure we enjoy that time together.

I love to sit down on Sundays and look at the week’s schedule ahead. We’ve been using the Cozi app for years and ABSOLUTELY love it. It’s been instrumental in helping me manage all the things.

After reviewing our schedule, I’ll talk with Andrew and ask him what he wants for dinner during the week. Since practices have begun this week we really had to get creative with dinner because there are some nights we don’t get home until 7:45. I’m almost thinking we do a snacky grab and go dinner or some sort of crockpot/casserole meal that can stay warm until we are ready to eat later.
I created and use these sheets to get me through each week. I LOVE them. There is so much going on, so much on the mind, that it’s important for me to get it out of my mind and on paper so I don’t forget!

And that’s a look at our Sunday reset! Hope you’re having a great week everyone!!
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Fabulous tips Lisa. isn’t it funny, I tend to only make my homemade meatballs on Sundays, but then we have the leftovers during the week for meatball subs.