January 2025 Garden Update

Good morning and happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! We’ve been enjoying the loooong “weekend” (the kids are still home from school due to extreme cold) and have been staying nice and cozy during the cold snap we’ve been having! Today, I decided to bring back my garden update post. Of course there is nothing “actively” growing in this frozen tundra, (besides my tulips) but it doesn’t mean I’m not doing anything to prepare for the upcoming season!

Ahhh, getting to talk about my garden makes me so happy! January gets me so excited and hopeful for the season ahead! It’s when I start planning, planting and prepping for all the things the upcoming season will have to offer! I thought today, why not bring you along for the ride of what a “flower farmer” is doing in the month of January!

Goal Setting

Each year, I set a new list of goals for what I want to achieve in my business. This year, I am really challenging myself and set some lofty, yet completely achievable goals. The addition of a walk in floral cooler will be a game changer for me. I will be wasting less product and gain more holding time that will give me a chance to sell these blooms.

I hope to crush my goals this season, and can’t wait to see how everything pans out!

Field Planning

Next up, is field planning. This is where I map out my garden beds and determine what I’m growing and where I’m growing it.

This part is always so exciting. I love to get a visual and see how much variety I can pack into my gardens. I am adding some new flowers this year and am really excited to find the perfect home for them!

Seed Starting

This is most important! I formulate a seed starting calendar based on the amount of time my seedlings will need to come to full maturity. When starting January seeds, most need about 120-150 days until they reach full maturity – if these get started too late, I will never get to use them before the last frost.

Seed starting can get tricky – it’s a lot of TLC for these itty bitty plant babies. I oftentimes start strong, and fall off the bandwagon as tulip season arises. There are just soo many things to take care of, so my goal this year is to push through it and try to make stations for myself that will ease the task.

Start Marketing

Very important – I need to have outlets to sell my flowers, so this time of the year calls for the creation of specific marketing campaigns for my flowers. One of my goals this season are to post consistently on my flower page and not to be afraid to sell my flowers. They truly are unique and beautiful and I should be proud of it!

I do want to take this very serious! Getting my name out there and not being afraid to step out of my comfort zone is important for my business to grow, so I need to take the steps necessary!

This week will included: seed starting and field mapping. I also want to take product inventory and begin thinking about how I can sell some of my tubers. I have quite a bit of extra inventory, so selling these would be great for my business!

How I sow seeds – I like to do this in mass on a warm winter day. I get a big bucket of seed starting soil, fill it with water to moisten it and spread in my seed trays. I keep them out in the garage and grab whenever I need it

So there you have it – a little January Garden update for any other flower/gardening lovers out there! Hope you all stay warm out there!

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