Good morning! I hope your’re having a great week – I know we’ve been enjoying some beautiful weather and relaxing all week! One of the few weeks we don’t have a ton going on!
Today, I’m sharing a day in the life post – as I always mention, these are my absolute favorite posts! I love looking back on these to see how things have changed/stayed the same/what was happening and I really love reading other bloggers DIL posts too (I’m nosy like that!).
Okay, let’s jump into a low key summer Wednesday! In fact, this day is kinda boring, but I had this planned forever so!
Good morning! Time to get up and get outside!

Found this sleepy head on the floor (normally she is at the end of our bed)

Time to take her out potty and get her fed

I hit the pillow hard the night before, so time to finish up the blog link up post. I was so close to being done!

I checked back on the Amazon Prime Day sale. Our TV actually broke (a think a toy flew into it and cracked the screen…) so honestly it was perfect timing! I did browse a couple other things (I didn’t end up buying, but I’ve always been interested in steam mops – for now, I’ll keep swiffering!)

Checked my calendar and added a couple to-dos to it!

Time to make coffee!

I like to stand and stare for a bit – Love that the sun shines through our kitchen all summer long!

Thought I should snap a picture while I waited for my coffee – here is my hair. Not my best hair day, ha, but we’ll get to it later.

Sweet girl waiting for me to sit back down!

Okay, back down to read some of my favorite blogs and all the linked bloggers too! So much fun!

Outside to water plants! It’s been MORE than a full time job this summer – although I heard we were getting some rain in the afternoon – still I need to make sure everything is fed!

Came back in to call my Mom, who is my go-to when making purchases. Called to share the TV deal!

Somebody came down to join me!

I ended up getting a major deal on a rug I’ve been keeping on eye on for a long time! I am updating our dining room (slowly but surely) and snagged some deals! I’ll have to share my dining room vision board soon! It definitely needs a face lift and some decor!

Debating on painting the hutch Sherwin Williams Evergreen Fog OR do I paint the walls this color?!

Decided to pull my farm stand out

Then I heard some laughter … everyone was starting to get up!

Actually I lied… this guy was still passed out!

I decided to post a reel to my flower farming insta account.

Then back up to get these knuckle heads ready!

They were up and outside to play for a little before we left for the park!

Okay, time for me to get dressed!

The kids had toast for breakfast, we brushed teeth and loaded up – park ready!

I’m on corner garden duty for our garden club – the corner garden sits right at the town’s park.

The kids didn’t mind coming because that means playground time!
Off to do my job!

After the park, we stopped at our local farm to grab some yummy peaches and strawberries! JP was craving the peaches and in Heaven!

Back home and time for lunch!

We had leftovers from yesterday (the kids went to dinner with their Grandpa after fishing and didn’t eat a thing apparently)

I had my regular…

My lunch bunch!

Then upstairs to grab the dirty laundry I passed a billion times…

Then put away our yummy produce!

Then the kiddos played for a bit – I unloaded the wash, worked on a couple things around the house!

I went to clean up lunch – I’m good with eating these little leftovers! YUM

Nap time for this guy!

Then went to try on some uniforms to see what fits!

Our little helper – love that she’s always around!

I finished up the laundry then headed downstairs – I couldn’t believe the amount of fruit we consumed…

I noticed some storms were about to roll in, so I went to get my sunflower to-do done!

Grabbed my seeds, then out to plant!

Ugh, but first, to weed!

Much better, just in time before the storm rolled up!

Back in to get changed for my chiropractor appointment

I packed up the kiddos and leftover spaghetti and we were off to my parents

Finished at the chiropractor

Back to my parents where we ate dinner, hung out and did some legos!

Dad called and we headed back home! Windows down all the way home! I love summer nights!

Snapped this pic right when we got home!

Andrew needed a rental car after an issue with his car so the kids were pumped

We then went out to enjoy the truck and the evening with some ice cream!

What a beautiful night it was!

I finally let my hair down! Crazy, crazy hair!

So many pretty views! My favorite is always the top of our street!

We enjoyed our ice cream…

…then I headed out to check on my garden

I was followed by this super hero!

Back inside, we watched some Jurassic World and up to bed for the kiddos.
I wrapped up a couple things and it was off to bed for me too!

And there you have it! Just a regular summer day around here!
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