Oh my goodness, when I went to clone a former day in the life post, 1.23.24 – Snow Day Edition, happened to be the last one! It’s crazy, how life can be so similar just a year apart. I had it on my calendar to share a day in the life post today and it happened to ALSO be another snow Day edition. The kids have been out of school and truly enjoyed their 5-day weekend…
So, today, we are back in the swing of things and about to share our day yesterday! Hope you enjoy reading along! These posts are like little journal entries for me, and I am so happy I write them because I know someday, I will absolutely love looking back at the good ole days!
Okay, here we go!
I hit snooze because I needed it! We had a crazy weekend that was filled so I needed a minute.

Popped over to see how cold it was…I did not want to leave my bed.

I threw on my robe and headed downstairs to let Nellie out – she hates the cold and wet paws so she was back in no time banging the door!

Next up, a glass of lemon water

I had planned to share a garden update blog post, but never finished it ahead of time, so I spent some time putting that together and publishing it!

Then time to listen to the Hallow app while emptying the dishwasher. Andrew and I love listening to the daily reflections

Finally time for coffee!

Look at this cute cozy pup!

The house felt super cold, but our furnace has been working overdrive so I’m sure it was struggling to keep temps up! We have a crawl space right under this room, so it always feels colder.

By this time, Andrew was up, got some coffee and we both chatted and decided to heat up a bit

The boys started to slowly trickle down…

He headed up to work and I decided to start my chores
Beds made for those of us awake…

Passed by this girls’ room…sound asleep.

Back to chores – laundry, humidifier running, to-do list review…

Okay back over to the kitchen to heat my coffee for the 5th time, have some protein (cottage cheese with a dash of salt and pepper) and my multivitamin.

Then this girly FINALLY woke up!

The boys were playing Crash Bandicoot, so I got them going as we needed to get a notebook for Audrey’s health class. I figured we would stop at the Dollar store, head to the library and grab lunch!

We enjoyed that time together!

After a couple errands, we made it home to chill for a bit before the golf clinic. I was carpool-er, so Audrey’s best friend comes over while the boys go to golf.
The boys were loving their gumball machines! Inspired by their Grandma!

These kids were creating some pretty neat things!

Time to pack up and head out for golf!

Done and on our way home for friends to be picked up and for dinner to get started.

Loved this pretty little sky! Just the softest pink!

Dinner was up next…salmon, broccoli and mashed potatoes.

Done in 20 minutes – I chatted with my Mom during that time

We cleaned up dinner and it was time for my dreaded task – hair cut night….

Audrey worked on homework, we had some music playing – it went fine! BUT, an hour and 20 minutes of hair cutting. I was supposed to have a garden club meeting, but I skipped. We just had so much to catch up on.
The boys showered and were right back downstairs for more building! I let them make one more creation before heading up!

We sent them up for their nighttime routine and I went to tackle mine..
Dishwasher loaded and set to run at 4 am, laundry rotated and kitchen picked up.

Time to clean my face and put on my favorite face creams! I look thrilled and need to clean our mirror…

Kids in bed and I decided to knock out this post!
And time for bed!

And that was our Wednesday! The kids and I kept saying how it reminded us of our summers! We love venturing out to do things! It makes me so happy they really love being together during the summer months!
What a fun day in the life post! Iβm so sorry it took so long for the haircuts,, oh I remember those days! Your pup is so cute. I hope you had a beautiful weekend!
Thanks so much Andrea! It’s hard for those boys to sit still!