Day in the Life 02.25 – Weekend Edition

Good morning and happy Thursday! After dealing with annoying issues, I’m back to blogging and can upload pictures again… yay!

Today, I’m sharing a day in the like – weekend edition – from a couple weeks ago! It was a pretty boring day, but I had it on my calendar, so let’s jump in!

I was up at 6:45 – sometimes I will head to the gym to work out, but not today!

I checked the weather to see what kind of chill we were blessed with for the day!

I browsed the American Eagle sale for a little bit, there were a couple things I had been keeping an eye on! Then it was time to get up with this one!

Downstairs we go to whatever this mess is…. it was the day after Valentine’s Day, I think they were a little wound on sugar.

I started tackling that mess and went about doing some other chores…

Watering my plant babies…

Adding items to my grocery list…

Hanging up coats and doing laundry…

Once I finished it was time to start my breakfast before the whole house woke!

Oatmeal, lemon water, coffee and liquid vitamins!

Looked over to see, this girl probably wanted to be back in bed so bad…

I finished that and heard people starting to wake! The kids have been sleeping in more around 9ish on the weekends. I headed back upstairs to make my bed, change and get ready for JP’s basketball game!


During that time, Andrew handled breakfast for the kids – eggs and bacon!

Off to the game we went!

We love all the extra cousin time – these girls especially!

After the game, there is always a play request – my brother and sister in law decided to take our kiddos – how we got away with that, I’m not sure. So, we headed out for a day date.

Lunch together

Then our fav show – Night Agent – we were very close to finishing season 2! We sat around – I folded laundry, did a couple things here in there while watching, but it was GLORIOUS!

This girl loved relaxing and all the quiet and attention too…

I enjoyed a little sweet treat… love these things!

Fast forward a couple episodes and it was time to swing by and grab the kiddos. Andrew stayed home to start dinner so we could eat when we got back!

I enjoyed some calming music on my way!

I retrieved the kiddos and then live and loudness was restored in our household!

The kids were spoiled with some Valentine’s gifts from their grandparents! Of course they loved it!

Then it was time to eat! Andrew hooked us up with the most delicious steak dinner!

After dinner we hung with the kiddos for a bit and then it was off to bed!

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