Friday Favorites (01.17.25)

Happy Friday everyone! Another week down – how are we in the middle of January already?!

I think we are gearing up for a LOOOONNNNGGG weekend and hope I haven’t been hyping the kids up too much… we are expecting some cold temps Tuesday and Wednesday next week – and with MLK day on Monday, I’m thinking a 5 day weekend…

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share them!

Link up with Andrea and Erika
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All Things Winter Love

Good morning and Happy Thursday! My gosh, it’s been FREEZING cold here and very snowy (consistently), which hasn’t happened the past couple winters. The past couple winters have been very mild and had a lot less days of snow on the ground. I am really enjoying it though.

Today, I’m giving winter all the love in this post. Why I’ve come to love it and appreciate it more. Now, I’m not gonna lie, I start to get really annoyed by the end of February, but for now, let’s embrace the beauty winter has to offer!

So let’s jump into some winter love…

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Let’s Look: Low Level Goals for 2025

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is a Let’s Look prompt where we link up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama blog and Erica from A Little Bit of Everything blog. I’m super excited about all the topics this year – they are just so creative and fun! So kind of them to do these link up parties!

This month’s topic is, low level goals for 2025. These low level goals are actionable and a means to an end or towards achieving your high level goal – more day to day goals.

In case you missed it, I blogged about my 2025 goals here


Recents in Homemaking

Happy Monday, everyone! This past weekend FLEW – not only did I feel it, but the kids felt it this morning! I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to tackle the week ahead!

Today, I wanted to share a recent “project?” I guess I would call it. As I mentioned, my goals for this year are to streamline and simplify. In our house, I made a list of the areas that are CONSTANTLY causing me problems. Want to know what one of the main problem points is?

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Year in Review (part 1)

Happy Wednesday, everyone! We are making it through the week and it is honestly going way easier than I expected. The kids have adjusted really well, but this morning will be the true test as Tommy has his first day back to school. He has truly loved sleeping in.

Today, I figured I would recap our 2024 as I legitimately left the blogging scene back in the spring. While it was nice not worrying about blogging, I did miss it a lot! Spring tulip season rocked me to my core and I’m sure that’s when blogging stopped! So let’s pick up where we left off and share some updates from March-July!

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Tip Jar: Budgeting tips for 2025

Tis’ the season! This past weekend, my husband and I sat down to do the annual exam of our household budget and savings plan for the year ahead. We thoroughly look at our budget and realistically examine potential expenses and find ways to cut/save money for the upcoming year.

The cost of living increase does make it difficult when it comes to trying to save and budget. We have a firm understanding of our budget and update an excel doc we’ve been using for years to see what has changed. One of things I cannot believe is how much our grocery and food spend has increased over the years. It’s slightly sickening!

Having a detailed awareness of your budget can allow you to prepare for future expenses (i.e. school, home projects, home maintenance issues, etc.), reconsider what items are truly important and remove things that waste money all while challenging yourself to become a better saver.


Hello, 2025! Motherhood Monday: Happy New Year, I’m Alive and Mom Goals

Hey! Happy New Year! Wow, I cannot believe it’s been nearly a year since my last blog post! Where did the time go?! More on that and some pictures to share about our 2024 later this week! I’m here to report, I am alive!

I know I say this every year – I want to be more consistent at blogging, I want to blog, but I felt pulled toward doing less, and not worrying about the perfect blog post every single day. It honestly became easier NOT to blog!

With blogging – it took too much time for me to do, I wasn’t organized enough and the time I could blog (morning) interfered with my flower farming schedule – of handling things before the kids woke up. Blogging started to stress me out because I wasn’t consistent, couldn’t get ahead, kept missing days and felt my posts weren’t “good enough”.

Could this year be better? Possibly. We are in a different phase of life – the kids are a little more independent and I have mapped out a content calendar that could assist, but we will see where things take me!

Last year, I was proud of myself for letting things go. I don’t need to do ALL THE THINGS. That was one of my goals in 2024. At the beginning of the year and spring I noticed I was bogging myself down with “unnecessary” things that could easily be prevented, altered or eliminated altogether. In the summer, I decided to form a flower farming schedule that allowed me to be flexible so I wasn’t wasting time away from the kids and home. Weirdly, in the seemingly small space I “farm” on our property, it really can occupy a lot of my time with all the to-do’s. So, I altered my business a bit, made less bouquets to sell at market, bought an overhead watering hose and decided to work in hour batches that worked for me and the kids. I was able to achieve my goals for the season, could have done more, but that’s okay. My priorities are always family and our home.

This brings me to my new goals for the year, which is applicable to what I just stated above. These words are a continuation and a push to do better in this new year.

My 2025 “Mom Goals/ Words of the Year” are: simplified, streamline, stamina and satisfied.

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What’s Up Wednesday [03.27.24]

It’s the last Wednesday of the month, and that means I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers Mix & Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To to share what has been happening around here! These are my favorite posts – I LOVE seeing what others have going on and love that I can look back at these someday!

March, where’d you go?! Oh my gosh, we are alive and well and thoroughly enjoying our days! March flew in and BLEW out! I miss blogging, but just don’t get to it like I used to. My busiest times are March, April & May. It’s planting season, seed starting, tulips, Girl Scout Cookie Manager, plant sale publicity for my local garden club, ad posting for said sale and subscriptions, Mother’s Day, end or school, etc….all the things start happening soon. I wish I could be better at blogging (one of my goals), but I just keep swinging and missing. In the past couple months, I’ve shifted my mindset on being present for family, the household and my “jobs”. Those things take precedent!

While I miss blogging and hope to do better down the line and put less stress on perfectionism, let’s jump back in by sharing my most favorite updates of the month!

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Friday Favs – A Few of My Favorite Winter Things

Hey, hey, hey and Happy Friday! This week, I decided to share some winter “updates”. Last week I shared a February Garden Update and a post about my recent appreciation for winter.

With the extra day in February yesterday, I thought it would be fun to incorporate some of my favorite winter things!

If you’re from the North, you know January and February (sometimes March) can drag in terms of winter. It’s the time when everyone starts to complain and wish for warmer weather. While I cannot even wait for Spring (18 days) and for the sun to set after 7 pm (9), I wanted to share my appreciation for winter before it’s over and we move on!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika
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Winter Love

Good morning and Happy Thursday – how is it Thursday already?! Well, we were hit with the tummy bug again – Audrey and I actually had it at the same time (which was interesting and a first for us here), but we’ve made it through and feel a lot better. I am waiting for the boys to come down with it because it is just so contagious, once it hits your house, you know it hits EVERYONE!

Anyway, today I thought it would be nice to share a post about “winter love”. It has taken me until recent years to really appreciate this season in life and I think there are some things I want to carry over from this season into the next ones.

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February 2024 Garden Update

Good morning and happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! We’ve been enjoying the long weekend and have been staying nice and cozy during the cold snap we’ve been having! This week I plan to share some things related to winter months, so be sure to come and check it out all throughout the week! I decided, today, I will start by sharing a February “garden update”. In air quotes because there is not much happening out in the garden right now! Well technically there is, we just can’t see those things!


Let’s Look: Little Things We Do Every Single Day

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is a Let’s Look prompt where we link up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama blog and Erica from A Little Bit of Everything blog. I’m super excited about all the topics this year – they are just so creative and fun! So kind of them to do these link up parties!

Today’s topic is, little things we do every single day.

This one was fun to think about because it really is mostly my morning routine and some other things I do sprinkled throughout the day!


What We’re Making Wednesday: Starbucks Cake Pop Dupes

Good morning and Happy Wednesday! Today’s post is part of my “What/how I’m _____ …Wednesday” series. Last week we saw a recipe for these and could not wait to try them. My kids LOVE cake pops, so anything we can recreate, we’re game for!

What I love, is these can be customized in so many ways! We decided to make some Valentine’s cake pops! Giving props to the initial recipe found here!

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Motherhood Monday: One on One time

Happy Monday to you! I’m sure all my Northeast Ohio friends & even Midwesterners enjoyed the beautiful sunshine this past weekend. My gosh, did it feel so good! I honestly think a gained a tinge of sun tan from laying in the sun in our front room! I can’t tell you what that sun does for my mood though!

Today is Motherhood Monday where I share a bunch of randomness related to motherhood, parenting. Today, I’m sharing something that has come up A LOT in our home recently with Audrey in particular. That is one on one time.

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Our Family Favorite: Quick and Easy Breaded Chicken

Good morning and happy Friday! Instead of a typical Friday Favorite post today (since we just did a whole life update for What’s Up Wednesday – you can check that out here!), I figured I would share a family favorite around here. I will share a couple Friday fav photos from the week after I share this breaded chicken with you, so be sure to scroll to the end!

When I say, this chicken recipe is the easiest and most versatile recipe, I mean it! Dinner done in 15 minutes or less…you’re going to want to save this one!
