Back dating this post because hey, I didn’t get this done when I wanted, but who said I can’t post it now! No sense in sweating the small stuff. And this feeling is so fitting for this Motherhood Monday post. It is no coincidence that Mother’s Day is this weekend and it’s also Maternal Mental Health Awareness week, so what a perfect time to share some thoughts that have been on my mind that I’m sure we all suffer from!
We are busy, we want to do it all, we want a clean/perfect house, we want our kids to be learning at home. Let me preface by saying, I do suffer from OCD tendencies (my house is far from what you would expect a person with OCD house would look like). My OCD is one that builds up and erupts when things around me appear to look or feel like rock bottom in my own head – can anyone else relate?!
After chatting with my Mom and Mother in Law it occurred to me. Why do we (particularly myself) put so much unnecessary stress in our life?! Accepting the fact that you will fall short in some areas so many times in our lives (particularly during these toddler years) is something I need to understand as completely NORMAL.
I’m not sure if it is social media that causes the doubt to creep in, but I have a feeling that plays a large part of the recent mental health struggles Mommas are dealing with. We are exposed to so much, we see all the things we “should” be doing, we project a “perfect” life on people we only see a “perfect” life from a tiny little square. We are all struggling, we all deal with things a different way, we all have different aspects in our lives where we excel and recognizing that you doing the best you can is ENOUGH!
Kids don’t care if the house is spotless or if dinner is leftovers, what they do care about is being loved and seeing you happy! Taking the time today to tell you that you are not alone feeling that Momma guilt. We can’t do it all – it’s impossible. It’s okay to feel like you didn’t knock everything off your to-do list or that you left the kitchen an absolute mess. Enjoy the present, be there for your kiddos and find ways to ease those stressors in your life. An easy way to do that is realizing that tomorrow is another beautiful day and you can try again.
Give yourself grace, don’t be afraid to ask for help, make time for yourself and most importantly don’t sweat the small stuff. Motherhood/parenting and managing a household can be challenging, but who said it was ever going to be easy! Recognizing that is half the battle.
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