My husband and I just watched The Social Dilemma documentary on Netflix and WOW, was that eye-opening! If you’ve been reading along for awhile, one thing I do not update on a regular basis like my blog here is my social media account. I will explain in more detail shortly, but I’m not a heavy user and honestly like it that way and will continue that way. Yes, social media is AWESOME for staying connected, finding information, learning new things, sharing deals, tips, tricks, etc., but it is also a very dark place at the core.
I don’t want to sit hear and sound like I don’t use Instagram at all – I most definitely use it, but one thing I’ve been conscience about since I started my blog over a year ago was how much do I plan to use it and for what purposes. Today’s Thursday Thoughts, I’m sharing what I got out of this documentary and I HIGHLY encourage you to give it a watch yourself. ESPECIALLY if you have young people!
Without giving TOO much away (again, encouraging you to watch it), this documentary brings attention to some unintended consequences that snowballed out of control in technology and social media. A majority of the individuals interviewed have previously held high-ranking positions at some of the most popular social companies and felt it was their civic duty to bring these issues to light and spark change in the way things are done.
It is crazy to think that tech giants are basically tracking our behaviors unregulated and persuading to take action on something, whether it is purchasing something or clicking another video that is similar to the one we just watched. The fact we make these “actions” is not by coincidence – the behavioral tracking makes it completely possible.
Speaking of behavioral it is crazy how social media is MADE to be addictive – they want you to use their platform more, that’s how they make their money. This is where I see the biggest issue with social media – how ADDICTED people are to it. Now a days, I feel like in-person connection and conversation has taken a downfall. I’ve struggled communicating with lots of people (particularly our youth) because I truly feel they live behind their phones – or it could be me 🙂
That is one of my key takeaways from the film – GET OFF YOUR PHONE, BE PERSONABLE, ENJOY REAL LIFE AND THE NOW!
I really try to limit my Instagram consumption – that is the only social media I’m actively on – and holy smokes how addictive is it to scroll through?! It is SO extremely important to set boundaries for yourself and be aware of what is truly happening behind the scenes. Which brings me to my next takeaway…
…My kids getting smartphones someday (it makes me want to never give them one) and having exposures to SO many negative things. I’ve witnessed things first hand where people try to show off to others as something they’re not. I truly take everyone’s content with a grain of salt and I encourage you to do the same. Everyone puts out their best stuff, I do it as well, but in my opinion, it’s being conscience of the content you are putting out and how it will HELP those around you!
Social media is a unruly beast and I could honestly go on forever about it. I highly recommend watching this eye-opening documentary. One thing I do want to say- a thank you for following along and reading my blog! I don’t really know how to reach people on social media or try because I’m not very active in it, but do appreciate the people I have connected with on here in the blogging world!

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