Today, I’m doing another fun link up with Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To where we recap the month with a little this and that! I love these kind of posts – they also make me happy because someday, I can look back at these little “journal” excerpts showing a glimpse of our lives lately!
What We’re Eating This Week…
It’s been easy meals around here and some cold weather cooking too!
We’ve been having soups!
Turkey taco soup

Vegetable Tortellini soup

3 ingredient EASY meals!
Rotisserie Chicken Pesto Pasta
This meal is so straightforward – delish and SO EASY!

Flatbread Pizzas
I LOVE these pizza crusts from Aldi and we like to do a adult version and kid’s version

Old pictures because I forgot to take one! (Kid’s put the pepperoni on this…)

What I’m Reminiscing About
We had such a great summer! I cannot believe it’s over! Audrey learned how to swim without her puddle jumpers// JP has grown up so much and loves playing with his construction trucks// Tommy is ONE and I cannot believe how fast time went! He loved swimming and just goes with the flow!

What I’m Loving…
Bouquet Making

Fall Nails!
We’ve been trying all sorts of colors! Of course I am always favoring the darker shades! If you’ve been reading for a while, I LOVE the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel polishes! Finished off with this top coat!

This one was on the lighter side for me, but it’s super pretty and more of a tan!
Sally Hansen – Adrenaline Crush

Ginger Zinger – Sally Hansen

My Fall Front Porch

What We’ve Been Up To…
Enjoying the weather!
We’ve been enjoying some beautiful weather and have been doing all the fall things!
A visit to an apple orchard right at the top of our street!

A visit to the pumpkin patch!

Apple Fritters & fresh cider donuts!

Drive-in Movie concert…
Raise your hand if you were convinced it was going to be a live Kane Brown concert right in your town!

It actually turned out to be a lot of fun and the kids were SO GOOD!

What I’m Dreading…
Daylight Savings Time…

Ugh, I already can’t stand how early it is getting dark! I’m almost thinking – I wouldn’t mind winter AS MUCH if the sun didn’t go down at 5 p.m.
Overwintering my flower garden

I am so upset this will be happening next month! My dahlias are just taking off – it’s too early to shut it down!!
Winterizing our home and pool!
We enjoyed our last swim this past weekend. Now time to close her up before all the leaves start falling!

Audrey Dental work…
The kids just had their dentist appointments and ugh – do I feel like the worst Mom ever. Audrey has a couple cavities and I am NOT looking forward to her getting fillings…
While I need to be way stricter and do SO much better – having well water works against us. Because we do not have city water, we do not have fluoride in our water. This means we need to take some extra steps to take care of our teeth and while I’m so upset about the cavities and feeling like a failing Mom, I’m happy we learned what we need to do DAILY and make sure we are doing everything we can to keep our teeth strong and healthy!
I purchased this chart to hang in the bathroom so we get in the habit of brushing ALWAYS before bed!
What I’m Working On…
A Business Proposal!
I’ve been working to put together a proposal for a potential business endeavor and I AM so excited about the possibility that could come if I’m asked to present my proposal further! This idea has been in the back of my mind for a while and I’ve had a lot of things pulling me towards doing it! It is WILD how things happen and if all things worked out – this story would be crazy!
What I’m Excited About…
Submitting my business proposal!
I am so anxious/excited to submit my business proposal for potential consideration – I don’t want to give too many details!
What I’m Watching/Reading…
The Dilemma – B.A. Paris
I just started this book and I’m looking forward to adding some suspense back into my reading rotation!
What I’m Listening To
Myself. Basically me repeating myself 24/7 and no one listening! Motherhood has been rough recently…knowing it is just a phase and we will get through it.
What I’m Wearing…
I’ve been keeping it casual!

We had a friend’s wedding recently and this was the outfit! I LOVE this dress – it’s two years old so I do not have a link but it is Antonio Melani -Lace Midi Dress

High-waisted Levi jeans//Walmart rust colored peasant top

This faux suede moto biker jacket is the best thing ever – I love it for this time of year!
What I’m Doing This Weekend…
We are celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary this weekend – so I’m hoping we can enjoy a nice date night! We’ve had a list of things we’ve wanted to do and places we want to try out – maybe we will cross off one on the list?!
What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month…
The kid’s LOVE talking about trick or treating and I cannot wait to find some ways to make it happen for them!
What Else is New??
I think we covered it all! Have an amazing Wednesday!
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Happy early anniversary! I am loving all those nail colors you’ve been using.
I love your bouquets. If I lived near you, and you sold them, I’d be buying one (or two!) every week. I also love your “wedding dress.” It’s so pretty. Happy Anniversary!
Thank you so much Natasha! So sweet!