Today I’m sharing a day in the life post and this could not be a more random Wednesday to write about! Sharing what goes on around here in a given day for the most part – we are preparing for a garage sale this weekend, so I spent a decent amount of time getting some things done for that and also I cleaned our pool for nearly two hours, so that chewed up most of my day! Hope you enjoy reading along!
Little T was up crying around 5:45 (not normal for him) so I spent a lot of time trying to get him comfortable and back to sleep – which didn’t happen…
JP followed in our room shortly after so I headed downstairs with the boys around 6:20 am. At least it wasn’t an absolute mess from the night before!
I turned on some cartoons to keep them busy while I typed up a garage sale write up!
7:20 am (I was a little late getting her) and Audrey’s got the “green light” to wake up!
Dressed, hair done for picture day and breakfast with the boys before school!
Lunch packed – turkey sandwich (her fav!), Baby Bell cheese, pretzels, cantaloupe and mini muffins.
After we were all ready to go – shoes and jacket on – she got in the car and on the way to school she was
Have a great day sissy! The sunrise was just starting to creep over the trees and looked pretty!
Returned back to this messy kitchen and gave it a little love!
Much better! Then this happened…I wasn’t too happy about this, and honestly, I’m not sure how this hasn’t happened before.
Andrew called and said he was going to hit up McDonald’s on the way back – SCORE! This was the best surprise!
I LOVE their oatmeal! Also, I like to get my coffee w/o cream and sugar
8:45 am – time to shower and get ready to head out to the grocery store!
Took a lot longer than expected trying to tame the boys, staying out of our room/office while my husband had some calls, but we finally were ready to go!
9:50 am
Added my own creamer to the iced coffee grabbed my bags and off to Aldi we went!
My helpers!
11:15 am – back home from groceries and getting gas!
Placed some of my Aldi purchases on the front step (new Fall doormat and these adorable lanterns!)
Hung outside for a little bit then headed in for lunch! Turkey sandwiches and strawberries for the boys and leftover pulled pork on some twice baked potato for me!
After lunch we had some walk practice! He has been taking about 3 steps then falling down, but he loves to get back up and try again!
I got so many compliments on my bracelets! Too funny – I told people they were DIY!
1:10 pm – were up for naps!
This guy was out in 8 minutes! Normally we have a morning nap, but when I have things to do in the a.m. – I opt for a long afternoon nap!
Kindly told this little man to hop up in bed for his nap – which he did!
Then headed over to Audrey’s room to tidy up – look what I discovered…
Much better – decided to swap out canopies (yes, we have two! One was $3.99 at our local supermarket closeout section, so I’ve been storing it in her closet)
Headed back downstairs to find this disaster, but I had too many things to do outside that I didn’t care!
1:40 pm – Stepped outside to deadhead and water plants, vacuum and clean pool filter and attempt to organize garage sale stuff again!
2:51 pm – that time flew! Ready to pick up sissy! It has been really nice having Andrew working from home – I drove solo to pick Audrey up – was a beautiful day so windows open!
Because the weather was so great – I thought a stop at our local ice cream shop would be nice! They are going to be closing for the season soon!
Pistachio nut flavored soft serve – AMAZING
3:30 pm – got home and delivered ice cream to JP who was now awake!
The neighbor sprinted over and the kiddos all played outside and caught a grasshopper!
I kept on working outside – weeding and deadheading almost every bed on our property!
5:40 pm – I headed inside to make dinner – this was the most random dinner I’ve made in my life, but our plans for roasted brussels, onions and mushrooms changed so I switched it up to something easy that the kids would love…
Tater tots, mini corn dogs and chicken flavored noodles? So random but actually pretty tasty!
7:10 pm – we all went back outside to play and do some organizing around the garage and cut some flowers for some bouquets to make!
I did such a poor job documenting everything else, but basically my Mom came over, we priced everything and made sure everything was out on tables, etc.
We put the kiddos down around 9 pm – score!
My Mom and I did some more randomness, then went around town putting up our signs – this picture was taken at 11:15 pm…there was NO ONE out! Kind of eerie!
And there you have it – totally random, totally dysfunctional, but a day in the life of us! I’ll see you tomorrow for some Friday favorites!
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