Friday Favorites – 06.12.20

Happy Friday! The past two weeks have taken a toll on my heart but my prayer and hope is for less judgement for all people and more kindness, love and changes of the heart. Less division in our country and a stop to the bleeding wounds we have. Deep solutions to the problems and issues so many face – a push towards middle ground where we all can meet in agreement and understanding to help lift one another going forward. Putting in the work to become educated on all sides, be an independent thinker, not be naive, and find the absolute truths on all sides.

As of right now, my kiddos don’t see color, but I know I will continue to nurture love in our home, educate and provide encouragement in building authentic relationships as they grow up. After taking a little hiatus, I am excited to feel creative again! I was in such a rut about everything going on and also felt it was best to sit back, listen, read, research, talk with others and educate myself.

Today, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

So many pool days!

We’ve been enjoying the pool so much and have had perfect weather for it! I had a little get together this weekend with family and friends where the kiddos went off fishing and the ladies hung back to float and snack poolside!!

No rain forecasts calls for lots of morning watering!

Our weather has been gorgeous with very little rain! While that is great for swimming and outdoor play, it has been keeping me busy in the watering department! It is best to water your plants in the morning or evening (sometimes both times of the day if super hot) – so I’ve been opting for mornings.

It is relaxing and I find myself enjoying a nice coffee after finishing!

Speaking of morning coffee…

June Coffee Stand

I love the summer vibe this gives in my kitchen – it makes me so happy!

My citrus stir sticks are linked here and the sign was from Target in the dollar section back in the spring – not sure if they have these anymore – but I hope they do because it was $1 and its ADORABLE! Also, the tropical succulent clips were from Dollar Tree!

Cutting Garden Bouquets

We were able to make a couple flower bouquets from some of the first blooms in our cutting garden! Audrey asked right away if she could make one for her room!

My little helper wheeling the goods in her jammies!

So far blooming, we have Foxgloves (careful, they can be toxic only if eaten, but I make sure I wash my hands after handling), Salvia, Silverberry Supertunias, Hosta leaves, Sweet William and Snapdragon!

I found this pink plastic vase at a garage sale last year and it has been amazing for her to have!

The perfect summer day

Yesterday we went for a big walk/hike through the gardens and grounds at the Holden Arboretum! It was such a perfect day and if you are from Northeast Ohio, I highly recommend an afternoon here! My mother-in-law has a membership so the kids and I joined her and my sister-in-law for the most amazing afternoon!

Ekkk! Not a huge snake person!

We ended our adventure with some ice cream! The temperatures were just PERFECT – that is what we kept saying the entire walk!

I enjoyed this snack when I returned home – random, but does anyone else enjoy tomato, Italian dressing, Parmesan cheese and basil as a summertime snack?! My husband strongly dislikes tomatoes and thinks this is so gross, but it is one of the most refreshing snacks in my opinion!!

The kiddos!

Opted to wear his Spiderman suit on the hottest day of the year….

My nephew Bo helping out around our house 😉

Big time yard helpers!

Stop growing, cutie!

Sunrise and Sunset pics are my FAV!

Have a lovely weekend!!

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2 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – 06.12.20

  1. Joanne says:

    You can’t go wrong with pool days and freshly cut flowers! We often see watersnakes near our dock and that is one of the reasons why it’s rare to find me in the water with my boys. LOL.

    • lisastwocents says:

      Thank you Joanne! Oh my goodness I would be just like you – staying away from the water at all costs!

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