All Things Winter Love

Good morning and Happy Thursday! My gosh, it’s been FREEZING cold here and very snowy (consistently), which hasn’t happened the past couple winters. The past couple winters have been very mild and had a lot less days of snow on the ground. I am really enjoying it though.

Today, I’m giving winter all the love in this post. Why I’ve come to love it and appreciate it more. Now, I’m not gonna lie, I start to get really annoyed by the end of February, but for now, let’s embrace the beauty winter has to offer!

So let’s jump into some winter love…

We live in a literal snow globe

When the ground is snow covered and the snow is falling, it is just the most beautiful and memorizing thing! I appreciate looking at our yard in a new light – a fresh set of eyes and a uniform look all around us is a little magical!

There is a certain glow that the winter season brings.

A time for reflection and renewal

After a crazy spring, summer and fall, I know for me personally, I enjoy this time of rest and relaxation. My flower season keeps me moving outside for a large portion of the year. I have grown to love this time of planning, reflection and relaxation. There is nothing outside that needs my immediate attention.

For our home, this time is so important for us. Winter activities are at a minimum and there is no rushing from this activity/practice to the next. Spending more QUALITY time as a family is welcome always. We really enjoy this time.

Winter months have their fair share of health benefits, some include: boosted immunity, better sleep and reduced inflammation – bonus points!

Hygge Vibes

This time of year calls for all things warm and cozy! Warm blankets, lights, a candle and soup on the stove – I just love the coziness winter has to offer!

I also like to indulge with my coffee this time of year. I don’t know why, but a little whipped cream or some organic vanilla marshmallows add a little yummy winter flair to my drink!

An appreciation for sunshine and other seasons

Winter makes me appreciate the summer months, when we are sweating like crazy – I always remember the chill of winter, the layers needed to be put on the kiddos before they head outside or to school and the inability to walk outside with no shoes on!

Whenever the sun is out, you can find me laying in our front room in the sun spot or on a walk soaking in as much Vitamin D as possible. The lack of sunshine really makes you appreciate every gorgeous sun-shiney day we get!

Want to read more? Check out my WINTER LOVE POST from 2024.

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear some things you LOVE about WINTER below! Cheers to the cozy season!

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