Recents in Homemaking

Happy Monday, everyone! This past weekend FLEW – not only did I feel it, but the kids felt it this morning! I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to tackle the week ahead!

Today, I wanted to share a recent “project?” I guess I would call it. As I mentioned, my goals for this year are to streamline and simplify. In our house, I made a list of the areas that are CONSTANTLY causing me problems. Want to know what one of the main problem points is?


I feel like clothes are overflowing in this house and I need to start getting it in check. Hampers, our laundry room and closets are maxed out, and it’s time to come up with a solution to this problem.

So what did I decide to do?

Empty EVERY laundry hamper in this house and wash EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF CLOTHING.

Why? Because the kids’ hampers contain some clothes that are out of season or go completely overlooked when I grab the essentials that need washing. These clothes that are most likely now outgrown or just never worn need to be taken care of, so that’s why I decided to wash everything. They’ve been constantly thrown back into the laundry hamper to be handled another day.

Another day is now!

Once everything is washed, I have piles put together – donate, throw away, Tommy hand-me-downs (from JP) or storage.

It’s been a process, but I’m not stopping until this task is complete.

Another issue I run into is our dressers and closets. There is no room! I decided to go through the kiddos’ rooms first and sort every single drawer. I was able to find tons of clothes that no longer fit and were taking up a lot of unnecessary space.

This also alleviates the problem of putting clothes away. Oftentimes, laundry baskets would just sit untouched because the thought of jamming more clothes into their drawers stressed me out!

Simplifying the laundry system will help reduce some of the clutter in this house and eliminate wasted time spent on touching items that should have been thrown away or donating a long time ago!

Now that I’m working through this problem, I plan to implement a couple things going forward.

  1. Less is best. Quality clothing over quantity as they seem to choose their favorites day after day anyway.
  2. Utilize your spaces BETTER. Our kids are fortunate enough to have some pretty big closets – there are definitely some storage solutions, furniture pieces and ideas I will be looking to add in order to maximize the space SMART.
  3. Don’t be afraid to throw away/donate more often. I find myself getting attached to particular clothes the kids used to wear, but what good is it doing in their closet?! We can’t take it with us when we go! I will save the EXTREMELY memorable clothes that have a chance of being passed down to grand kids (I.e. communion, baptism, a particular memory). I need to start training myself to let things go!

Do you have a laundry/clothing system that works for you? I would love to hear about it below! I did start moving some of my seasonal clothes into a bin stored in closet and will rotate these clothes every 6 months.

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