Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is a Let’s Look prompt where we link up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama blog and Erica from A Little Bit of Everything blog. I’m super excited about all the topics this year – they are just so creative and fun! So kind of them to do these link up parties!
Today’s topic is, my worst habits, boy do I have a bunch of those! There are several that come to mind right away and it makes me laugh that I’m so aware of them and still so terrible at making the necessary changes in my life!
#1 – I’m rarely on time.
My friends and I joke and call it the 15 min rule. For some reason I can’t seem to nail a birthday party, dinner party or kids events on time. I have the best intentions every time, but I fail at accounting for the “getting ready” portion of my time. I need to be realistic as to how long it really takes to get ready, packed up, etc.
This is the perfect segway to my next bad habit….
#2 – I try to do it all!
I’m the queen of wanting to chill and not do much of anything, but at the same time, all the things tend to fall on the same day or I overbook and it’s always a stressful run around. One of the reasons I’m always late (habit #1) is because I try to get so much done before leaving to go somewhere. I’ll throw in an extra load of laundry, get the dishwasher going, honestly try and jam a chore in right before going somewhere. I tell myself ALL the time, this is what makes me late and I can’t do these things, but I STILL do them!
#3 I need conditions to perfect to be organized
Let me explain this one – I don’t know if it’s a strange form of OCD, but I need things to have the perfect home before they can be put away. Sometimes this requires me to completely reorganizing a space in order to put ONE ITEM away! I don’t get it, it confuses my husband and also drives him nuts. Our dining room tends to be the catch all for things that need to be put away to their permanent home and for some reason, I let it pile up instead of doing it right at that moment. I did a recent reorganization of some areas in our home, which has been extremely helpful at keeping the dining room looking OKAY, but could it be better – YES!
#4 I respond to texts in my head and am so bad with my phone
It’s terrible – send me a text, I’ll read it and respond in my head. I normally need to sit down and go through my messages one by one towards the end of the day to make sure I responded properly. This probably isn’t a bad thing, but it can be when important things need to be answered, but I get so into what I’m doing at that moment in time, I forget to look at my phone, respond to texts or emails. I need to be better at putting aside some time during lunch to go through everything.
And there you have it, a handful of my bad habits! Off to do a water, walk or park Wednesday with the kids! We’ve got some bucket list items to cross off!
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I am right there with you on #3! I will definitely reorganize an entire area just to fit one little new thing in it’s place because good enough is not nearly good enough. LOL.