What’s Up Wednesday [07.26.23]

It’s the last Wednesday of the month, and that means I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers Mix & Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To to share what has been happening around here! These are my favorite posts – I LOVE seeing what others have going on and love that I can look back at these someday!

Oh my goodness…summer can just S L O W up right about now! We’ve been making the most of it and have been extremely busy! I’ve been trying to be super present with the kiddos and the family and really have enjoyed our time together!

What We’re Eating This Week…

We’ve been trying out meat from local farmers and I really have enjoyed coming up with good/creative meals.

We’ve really been on a ground chicken kick – I love it so much more than ground turkey!

These buffalo chicken meatballs were AMAZING!

We also enjoyed some sundried tomato pasta!

What I’m Reminiscing About

I’ve been reminiscing about when Audrey and JP started school. I can’t believe Tommy is now about to join the crew. Even though it is half day schooling, it still gets me every year.

Ugh, she was so little. She still is, I always have to remind myself, but time is flying.

What I’m Loving…

OUR SUMMER! It has been amazing! We’ve been really enjoying all our favorite things!

The flower garden – it’s been really taking off! You can check out my garden tour here!

What We’ve Been Up To…

JP just graduated Safety Town – he absolutely loved the week!

We’ve also been keeping up with our summer schedule/bucket list below! We’ve made really good progress!

If you want to see a graphic of our schedule – follow the link here!

What I’m Dreading…

Some things that need some extra prayers in our family, please!

Oh, and back to school time – I’m not emotionally prepared!

What I’m Working On…

I’m working on repainting our master bathroom cabinet – also, we’ve been building out/mowing pathways the back woods for an awesome play space for the kids. Next step, building a fort, possibly this fall! It has been really fun watching the kids enjoy this new space on the property!

My flower subscription starts this week and I am SO excited for that as well!

Lastly, how can I get my yard to look like this….

We stayed at my girlfriends parents house for her bachelorette party and it was just the prettiest piece of property ever.

What I’m Excited About…

We head out to our favorite end of summer vacation and the kids could not be more excited!

I’m also getting excited about planning a super fun friend birthday party for Audrey! We haven’t had a friend birthday party yet, and I feel this is the year!

What I’m Watching/Reading…

A friend of mine mentioned this book and I just started it! Look forward to maybe having some down time on vacation for reading!

What I’m Listening To

The birds chirping 🙂

What I’m Wearing…

We just had a wedding this weekend and I loved this flattering dress for the rehearsal dinner!

What I’m Doing This Weekend…

We are getting excited for our family vacation!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month…

For as much as I am dreading summer coming to a close next month, I am excited for all the excitement surrounding back to school time! The kids are really excited and what’s even better, they both can take the bus home!

What Else is New??

Nothing else other than August and September are just the busiest months ALWAYS!

Favorite Amazon Purchase this Month….

We have a trip to HHI this fall and our drive up to Michigan – this portable DVD player set is going to come in handy for the kiddos big time!

I also LOVE our new kitchen rug! It matches everything perfectly!

This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon.  As an Amazon Associate, I can earn compensation from qualifying purchases….I appreciate you reading along and supporting my blog!

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3 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday [07.26.23]

  1. Joanne says:

    It sounds like you are having a lovely summer. I hope you have a wonderful time on your family vacation.

  2. Morgan says:

    Sounds like you’ve been having a blast! I hear ya about August and September being the busiest times – it’s like July is the calm before the storm. Hope you have a fantastic vacation & rest of your summer!

    – Morgan @ mommyaboveall.com

  3. Natasha says:

    I’m off to check out your garden tour now. Every summer I wish I lived close enough to buy bouquets from you. Thankfully our CSA had a flower farmer yesterday so I got a gorgeous bouquet from her. Also, your summer schedule looks really fun and I want to participate in it!!!

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