Help, Costco Finds?

I was recently gifted a Costco membership from my brother and sister-in-law. I am so pumped about this and always hear great things about Costco. The family decided to take their first trip yesterday, and WOW…

First off, the place is HUGEEEE!!! Second, it was an ant hill on a Sunday afternoon, and that mistake – we will never make again!

We really did a quick browse of the store. I picked up some essentials I knew I wanted to get, but couldn’t help but look at what other people would load up in their carts (anyone else creepy like me?!)

I would LOVE to hear the staple items you are grabbing at Costco.

Personally, my best friend has used their formula, my sister-in-law said their diapers are supposed to be up there with Pampers and their fruit looks like something I will get every time I set foot in there as my kids can down a whole pint of berries in one sitting!

Here are some things we grabbed quickly on our trip – again let me emphasize QUICK:

We love 90 second rice packets and are anxious to give these a try!

The kids love plain ole’ grilled chicken, so curious to see how good these will be. I plan to add some strips to my salads and the kids can eat these for lunch!

My husband and I have been sampling all sorts of plant-based burgers. We have tried three kinds from Aldi and weren’t super impressed, so we figured we would give these a try!

My daughter loves Turkey sandwiches for lunch. My son loves eating the slices plain. I love Dietz & Watson Turkey meat so excited to see how this compares price wise!

I wasn’t able to calmly browse, but then again, what should I be looking for?!

Look forward to reading your comments below!!

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