Life Lately – December ’21

Where am I?? What day is it?! Are we still in 2021?! My goodness friends, what a crazy week it has been! I’ll share an update on that in a minute, but an overview – we left for a little getaway last week, missed our flight, finally made it home after a major delay and are now sick! I have so many things to share, but in the meantime, I’ll share a little life lately. Check back here tomorrow for my final gift guides tomorrow! Hopefully you are done Christmas shopping, but last minute ideas can always be helpful!

Where did we leave off! First up, coffee and hot cocoa date before school with this little miss!

Was nice to spend some quality girl time!

Then the weekend involved some cousin play and making Great Great Grandma’s coffee cake recipe with Grandpa!

We finished up the weekend with an attempt to do our Christmas card photos…totally last minute – just barely caught the tail end of daylight. At least it’s something!

The end of the year brings about a bunch of appointments always…Dentist cleaning for the kiddos, MRI for myself and other well checks.

When the two big kids were at school I took this guy to see his cousin! They are two peas in a pod!

My neighbors dog about to make her mad by visiting the “pond”…

Love this time of the year!

Had thee most amazing meal at Luca in Downtown Cleveland!

Followed by our favorite – Sebastian Maniscalco!

Due to poor planning on my part, Andrew and I were set to fly out at 6am on Friday morning for a little Florida getaway.

It seemed that every Clevelander also had a 6am flight as well because I have never seen security so BAD in my entire life. About 8-10 of us missed our flight and were so upset! I walked around to find another airline to get us to our location only to find out the flight was delayed an hour and fifteen minutes. Frustrating to say the very least.

BUT we did make it to beautiful Florida, sunshine and heat!

Immediately to the beach to soak up some sun then got our room!

Definitely worth the view – these sunsets are stunning!

We enjoyed breakfast (and all our meals for that matter) in peace!

We enjoyed nice walks along the ocean shore!

Enjoyed a day of reading and relaxing…

…and a day of football and the tiki bar!

After a weekend of relaxation, it was time to return home – only to have our flight delayed by 7 hours!

Felt so good to get back home to the kiddos and relieve my parents who watched them all weekend!

Tommy had a hard time calling me Mom! He was calling Grandma all weekend that it became my new name for a couple hours, haha!

The next day we were feeling sick with the VID (my brother had tested positive about 4 days prior…) and decided to keep the kiddos home the rest of the week, so here we are now! Disney movies, all the soups and no schedule for a bit!

Sharing my homemade chicken noodle soup recipe soon, it’s a keeper!

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