10 Bad Habits I’m Breaking in 2025

Hey, hey, hey and happy Thursday! The kids had an ice day today and I’m off to try and knock out my to-do/chore list, while keeping them in line!

I celebrated my birthday this week and decided to blog about habits for some reason. I think after I’ve found my personal groove in my thirties and understand myself a little more every day. Sooooo….here we are, today, I’m going to share 10 bad habits I currently do, that I’m working on breaking in 2025.

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Helpful and Flexible Home Cleaning Checklist

Happy Tuesday! Today I am re-sharing my cleaning checklist because I use it every single day! In an effort to keep up with things around the house and not get TOO overwhelmed, I put together a thorough home maintenance schedule based on combining multiple cleaning checklists.

I shared in my Motherhood Monday post today, that I need small achievable goals and this cleaning checklist allows me flexibility and a realistic approach to taking care of our home.


Motherhood Monday: Positive Habits for SAHM

Good morning and happy Tuesday! I don’t mean to trip you out, but I’m going to share two posts today – one, Motherhood Monday (on a Tuesday) because I didn’t get to it and the second involves my cleaning checklist I still LOVE and use to this day!

Both posts go hand in hand in a way, so if you’re a new stay at home Mom or a working Mom who is looking for some habits to implement that won’t completely overwhelm you after a long day at work, I hope this read helps you!

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