10 Bad Habits I’m Breaking in 2025

Hey, hey, hey and happy Thursday! The kids had an ice day today and I’m off to try and knock out my to-do/chore list, while keeping them in line!

I celebrated my birthday this week and decided to blog about habits for some reason. I think after I’ve found my personal groove in my thirties and understand myself a little more every day. Sooooo….here we are, today, I’m going to share 10 bad habits I currently do, that I’m working on breaking in 2025.

  1. Neglecting self-care. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day and forget to take time to workout (which I’m trying to do weight training 2x a week) and/or stop work to rest and relax
  2. Procrastinating tasks. The more I put things off, the more work I create for myself down the line. Do the chores, put the items where they belong straight away.
  3. Wasting time on social media. I feel I’ve started to get consumed in social – there is so much you can learn on there it’s easy to watch all the things. I want to start limiting the amount of time I spend on the social apps
  4. Ignoring Clutter. It can be easy to shift things out of plain sight quickly, but the piles accumulate in other areas that I need to make sure I stay on top of. Being diligent about removing the clutter and spending 20 minutes a day to clear spaces is something I hope to implement.
  5. Not setting boundaries. I am a people pleaser to my core, but the older I get, the more I realize the importance of setting boundaries, being able to say no for myself and my family.
  6. Negative self talk. Even though I feel like I’m semi-joking half the time, the kids still hear some of the things I say about myself and I don’t want them emulating that.
  7. Impulse buying. I feel like I have been better about this since summer of last year. I’ve been able to rationalize and realize these items or clothes just add to clutter and are a waste of money. I give myself some time to think over the purchase and if it will solve a problem, then I can make the purchase
  8. Multitasking too much. It can be easy to always find something to do and jump from one thing to the other (I am the queen of multitasking), but it becomes a problem when I start dropping the ball on other things leading to more mistakes and missed items. This causes more stress for me.
  9. Micromanaging all the things. When it comes to our kiddos, I can easily feel the need to micromanage situations. I want them to act a certain way, not make certain mistakes and become very impatient, but it is so important for my kids to start to handle things on their own – deal with consequences from mistakes and learn certain responsibilities and expectations. I need to learn to listen more and insert myself less into situations.
  10. This goes hand in hand with the above…I need to break the habit of not fully listening. I feel like there is so much on my mind or my attention is needed elsewhere that I get caught not fully listening to the kids. Interrupting them, being distracted – all terrible things and I want to make sure I am fully present for these kids and their needs.

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